Category: Hooker phone sex

Anal sex whore Alyssa’s Bottom Bitch Dream

Anal sex whore     Ghost had me feigning again he would take a little bit of that sweet devil then give me more so I would be out there on the street handling  business.  Damned if he cared about the piss and shit that was all over my body he wanted to get paid and that was it. That’s where I caught myself today trying to keep warm in an local  area McDonald’s before heading back out. If Ghost knew I was just in there trying to get a break there would be hell to pay! I was shivering now and the sweat was trickling down my face and I knew that my next move was going to cost me but I didn’t care. Ghost’s crew was all over the neighborhood and it would only take a call from one of them to just crack my fucking neck!

     I saw the car pull up and was happy it might be another client for the night. I was trying real hard to get that money for Ghost. At one point I had even tried to shove a few bucks deep in my asshole to try o save something for myself, but he would just take his long rod and pull it out of me.  He some how knew it was hiding it in my ass. My cunny was bleeding and I was cramping real bad when you showed up! I had managed to call you and my little cunny was aching and sore you were going to take care of this little ho’s needs for cock! Pulling me up to my feet you put me back in the car and fucked me up real bad! You said it was a turn on to see my little cunny in the air and that glass dick in my mouth. I was going to get it I was sure and take you to the next level. You were high and so was I but the gleam in your eyes was saying I am going to fuck you until dawn. I was your nigger slut and whore but  you didn’t realize it yet.  I was soon going to be your bottom bitch!

Druggy phone sex at Horny High

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     My eyes were frantic you said you would bring me my sweet caviar and I needed it bad. Oh you are standing there with that wide eyed grin and all I wanted to do was party! I am sure if Momma knew what I was doing she would join the party because we both loved getting high and fucking. That hard cock in my tight little cunny and cum drops over my tits is was what I need right  now. I would do just about anything you tell me to do as long as you want. I am one of the best pieces of ass out here on the market and my cream is like prime rib. Please, I ain’t had none in a while and I want to feel good. Don’t you care if I feel good? Putting that cock inside my cunny would make you feel so good and snorting that smack will keep you so hard. I just woke up from a night with you drinking that Jack Daniels and pouring it in and out of holes that are burning to do that again. I am messed up real bad and I need  to I to do it again. At the end of the night your cock was in my lips and that sweet caviar was just blowing me up. You took your nose put that sweet caviar right next to my clit and blew me away.

     I know I needed it and but I was so high I couldn’t tell you what happened next. I do know. You said you wanted to fill my little hole with a cream pie and that I was the best paid for slut you have ever had! But who can say? The party was right and you were fucking me. But let’s say you touch this barely legal again and refresh my memory. I am about to go get some more sugar; if you know what I mean.  I may need a lift and fucking you on the way would do me so good! I need it babe! Cant you see I am shaking and I will do anything to get it! I want to be high babe and I want to fuck, come on let’s do both!

Lick the Shit off My Foot Bottom Feeder

no taboo phone sex big tits cum dumpI was trying to score some drugs off this young drug dealer. Everything was going well. I was blowing him, polishing the chrome right off his knob in exchange for an eight ball. And in walked this loser who has pretty much been stalking me. He is rumored to have a tiny dick, and well I ain’t got time for small packages. But, he thinks because I’m a dirty old whore, I will fuck anything. WRONG. Move along looser. When I told him to get the fuck out of my trailer, he tried to threaten me. Said he would turn me in for prostitution and drugs if I didn’t fuck him. Half my age, but half my brain also. Stupid fucker. One, you don’t ruin my score. Two, you don’t blackmail me. My dealer left me with a load of cum on my face but NO coke. I was beyond pissed. I turned to Jim, “Well I guess you better finish me off since I didn’t get fucked.” He started chomping at the bit.

I can’t believe he thought I would really fuck him. I informed him he needed to lick my ass first. He was more than happy to get at my taint. That was until I shit on his face. I had my ass right on his face when I squirted a nice juicy log down his throat. He started to gag, tried to spit out my shit. I just smeared it across his face with my ass, making him lick my dirty asshole. Then I stood up, took my foot and stepped in my own feces, and forced him to lick the shit off my foot too. I just kept stepping on his face with my shit covered foot so he would lick it clean like a dog licks its dirty ass after taking a dump. “This is what happens to losers who attempt to blackmail me,” I shrieked at him. I force fed him all my shit with my foot until my foot was clean again. He licked up every single speck of crap too.

toliet sex scat playI made sure he understood that if he ever tried to blackmail me again, everyone would know he was a shit licker. Pretty sure I rid myself of that bottom feeder. I’m a nasty bitch. I have no limits, no taboos. You try to fuck with me, I will fuck back tenfold.

Druggy phone sex cracks Melanie

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     I was wondering if you had something to take the edge off. My cunny needed to be licked and I was giving up anything I could to get that feeling that would send me over the edge. I needed a pimp out here but then I needed to get straight  first .I was planning on going to go rehab with Momma but that shit was just too damn long and I needed it now the feeling of peace that came over me with each hit. I would rather just being sucking and fucking cock and just getting things plugged into my asshole while I smoked on that glass cock. Working that glass cock made my sucking kills to you so much better. I t was the challenge of seeing that wave come all over my body and being so high! I couldn’t take it anymore I needed that cock from you and if I didn’t get it soon then it was going to be bad news for me! I needed it bad and the best thing is that if I knew you were around you would give it to me.

     The thrill of it all is that whoring was in my blood line so I should be so able to get really straight from all the uncles that I have had over the years shoving their shit down my throat. Come on babe I need it really bad don’t you want to feel good! I will be so good to you and I want it so far up my ass. I like it bareback and you are just the person I need to give it to me. I am shaking that’s a damn shame so I need that cock right now and fucking that rock up would be so good. Let’s do this thing together I have half a pebble left and lit do that and fuck me in my ass and little cunny right now! I need it now and I know you can use the high too!

Hooker Phone Sex is Hot with Melanie

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     My little cunny was so damn sore I didn’t know if I could make it the next day! That last client of mine had pumped me so hard that I thought I was going to lose what little bit of mine I had left. I wanted to be high again and the only way to do that was to give it away to my next client. I was hurting like a mother fucker for a fix and the one thing I knew was that with what just happened to me in that hotel room  I needed stop the shakes real bad. My cunny was so fucking hot when I got like this and I needed someone to rip my little asshole to get me in line!

     I don’t know if I recall correctly if you put my legs behind my head or was it the sweet caviar I tasted that had me running like shit but honey I loved that party and I was trying to find your number again for another party. I was just about as high as the yellow back in spring time and I knew that I wanted to fuck again to get it going again! Hell a stiff drink of Jack Daniels wasn’t going to cover it and that sweet caviar had to be pure you know what I mean! I don’t know what I am saying I am too fucking high! But I do remember that you fucked me in my little asshole and it was almost ripping me a new one when we were done.  I wanted my little dry spell to be over and you more than took care of that. I can’t wait for the next date we have because I am sure the party is going to be the craziest I have seen! In the mean time I am walking to the market looking for my next John and who should approach. You! You were wild and crazed and ready for the party!  I am ready for this date baby and the wetness of my little cunny is going to make you higher than last time.

Hooker Phone Sex Alyssa’s Life as Bottom Ho

Hooker phone sex

Ghost had me all on the floor and I was gagging on so many cocks I couldn’t tell one from the other. Black, white, who the hell knew but it was not my fault it was just one of those things that just had to be! Stealing from your daddy is one thing but I stole from the kingpin of the streets who had Chicago and Pennsylvania on lock down so of course I was in for a rude awakening and life! Laying me down on the dingy mattress I watched the change of the light and saw your eyes for the first time. They looked like two bitter almonds but I knew you were here for me and I wanted to take you to my world and back again. The fun was all on me and I was more than willing to give it to you. You loved the taste of my cunny as you bent over me and played with my slit. You opened my hole with your tongue and put marbles there to see the dribble come out. You liked slapping me and calling me a cum whore. You liked pouring your cum all over my face. There was something different about the way you fucked me than the others too. You loved sticking that pole stick inside my asshole and making me shit. You said it turned you on!

You opened my legs and stomped on my cunny and hit my tits as hard as you could but maybe it was your laugh that made it enjoyable. Maybe it was the fact that out of all the clients that I serviced for Ghost you made the cunny so wet and creamy and then reeled my little ass with your fist which is what I really loved. It was so enjoyable I almost forgot that it was time for you to go. I wanted to keep you longer you had to get back to the office but I knew you were coming again. After all I am here to service your every need and that keep that love stick happy. My lips are wet again just waiting for you! I am your cum nigger bitch whore and will always be that!

Druggy Phone Sex Melanie Tweaking

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       I needed it pretty badly I was scratching like crazy and mama of course was in the house with an uncle again. I was tweaking so bad that I was just about ready to steal anything I could to get a couple of bucks to get straight. I mean all I needed was a couple to send me over the moon. I was going down the road to pull over who ever and get fixed when you came along. You said the fantasy for you was roleplaying and I was hurting so bad that I needed it so bad. I looked in your back seat and saw the little one sitting there but I didn’t care you were going to give me what I needed weren’t you? I was hurting some kind of bad! Reaching over and locking my door you told me we were going on a little joy ride and I was invited. I just needed to get fixed and if it getting laid was going to do that it was fine by me too. I needed to be fucked hadn’t had none for about two hours. And that was because my uncle was drunk and wasted and couldn’t find my damn hole!

     My cunny was running and I wanted you to be a willing participant to get her nice and flooded. I am that kind of slut you know! I am an Anywhere kinda girl that needs the fucking and sucking to get through the day. If you can oblige me then well there is rewards in it for you too. You get to squeeze these little tits until they plain come off. I don’t give a fuck as long as you stick it in the hole and what a little one wants it too? If that’s what you want then let’s go! I got no time to argue I am tweaking I need the fucking!  Tag you are it!  Let’s get cracking!

I love lot lizard sex cus I’m a nasty whore!

lot lizard sexThere is one thing I had never tried before and that was lot lizard sex. I’ve been paid for my pussy before, just never in a truck stop and for a white trash hooker like me, that is practically a crime! I got all dolled up and went to the big truck stop a few miles from my house, there were always a lot of truckers parked there so I was sure I could find a willing customer with no problem. I wasn’t sure exactly what to do, I kept thinking do I stand here and wait to be noticed or start knocking on truck doors but the problem resolved itself because I was only there for 5 minutes before a guy approached me. He told me I was beautiful and asked if I was a working girl and as soon as I said yes, he led me back to his truck and gave me a hundred dollars to bend over and let him fuck me doggy style. That was the easiest 100 bucks I have ever made!! I will definitely be doing this again!

Hookers For Hire and for Sire

hookers for hire dirty MILFThere is this crazy pimp in my neighborhood that I do my best to avoid. Not crazy cuckoo, crazy sick. But, he has the best drugs in town. My husband and I are throwing an orgy for some high end clients of his so we need the best dope we can find. This cat carries every flavor too. He is an old school 70s pimp. Name is Maurice, old enough to be my daddy, and just as twisted. I went to meet him, exchange money for a large stash of coke, X, smack, weed and pills. I had the money, but this crazy mother fucker didn’t want my money. He wanted my oldest daughter’s anal cherry and to breed her. He heard that I was a dirty mommy. He heard right, but even I was unsure about her ass being popped by an old black pimp with a rumored 16 inch cock, let alone bred by him. She just started her period.

He was adamant that he was not doing business with me unless I gave up my daughter. I told him I needed to think about it. Gave me an hour to make up my mind. Best party favors in town to violate my daughter’s ass, then knock her up so he’d have a cute little bi-racial nugget to whore out. What the hell, my daddy bred me at that age, sold my little ones off to support us. I went home to get my daughter. She looks just like me, younger of course, darker hair, slimmer, tits not as big yet, but knock that slut up and her boobs will be round and full like mine.

trashy milf young pussy for hireI told her she needed to help mommy out. “You can study later,” I told her. I dressed her up in a slutty little school girl outfit and went back to Maurice’s lair. It was all tricked out. Shag walls, floors, a disco ball, serving trays of coke, whores galore everywhere. He insisted I watch. I kissed my baby girl’s forehead, “Make mommy proud,” I said. She did a few lines of coke to take the nerves off before he pushed her to the ground to suck his cock. I wanted to see if it was as big as folks said. It was bigger. My daughter screamed when she saw it. She tried to run away, but that was a mistake. Maurice went crazy. Smacked her hard across the face and skull fucked her. She was gagging. I should have felt bad for my baby, but I was turned on. My cunt was drenched. He used the same amount of force on her ass too. No lube. Just straight up fucked her virgin ass until his anaconda was covered in a cherry juice and shit. He then took his shit stick and shoved it up her tight cunnie. His huge black balls slapping her ass so hard, I know she will be bruised tomorrow.

Hooker phone sex incest mommyWhen he dumped his spunk in her barely teen twat, he yanked her up by her legs and held her pussy lips together so none of his baby batter leaked out. After he was confident his swimmers reached her eggs, he shoved his bloody shit covered monster cock in her mouth and made her clean it off. I must have cum a dozen times watching him violate my baby girl’s fuck holes. He told me she is going to sire him a slew of pretty whores who will earn him top dollar. Probably true. I’m actually looking forward to playing with her pregnant pussy in a few months. I don’t care if it makes me a bad mommy. I will breed any one of my young bitches for the right price. Maurice may be a crazy old mother fucker, but he does have the best drugs in town and the biggest fucking dick around. If I was only 30 years younger, maybe he would fuck me too.

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Pimping Ain’t Easy

cum filled cunt cleoThe other night I went to the club and there he was in all his glory. There was no denying that he was a full fledged PIMP. He wore all white, the hat and coat were fur, he had the cane, the the shades, the strut, His pours oozed PIMP. I had to get a picture of him just to share with the girls and he posed for me gladly. Then he followed me around the club all night long trying to get me to be one of his girls. He promised me the sun and the moon. His antics were very entertaining and he was persistent to say the least. There was no way in hell I was going to let him pimp me out, I am not giving any one a cut of my money. But he did drop a shit load of money on me that night so the next day I agreed to meet him and let him take a few snap shots of me. I should have known his apartment was done in all white too. He tried to impress me with his lavish life style. Funny PIMP, he doesn’t think I know that all this was bought by dumb bitches willing to work the streets and give him a cut? I let him take his pictures. When he asked me to suck his dick I couldn’t help get wet, I love sucking cock. And then I had an idea. I said yes and got on my knees. I gave him a blowjob like he has never had before. I brought him to the edge several times, teasing him with my mouth and making his knees buckle. When I finally let him blow his load, I stood up and smiled, holding out my hand and telling him the pictures were a thank you for last night but the blow job would cost him. The look on his face was priceless, but he paid up. Silly little PIMP….