You know that Hardcore Hadley is a true gangbang whore, right? I enjoy dealer dick, big massive black cocks pulling a train in my drugged-up ass. Only now I have a new way to get the younger dick I secretly crave. Many f these young black boys are hitting the streets to be true thugs like their daddy’s and no one to look out for them. I figure if I adopt them, they can be my personal sex slaves. Maybe like five black boys at a time, in various ages to keep my gangbang slut lust tamed. I would have plenty of coke and some crack to keep those young big black boy dicks hard for me, and I have an exceptionally good friend who would pay them for each load they gave me each day. Win, win sexual advantage here! I would get pumped with young black dick several times a day and put on shows for my special friend who adores what a nasty hot coke whore fuck I am! Do you think my life could get any trashier? Well, I already fuck a couple of my dealers’ brats why not just have them come stay with me so I can get that good BBC boy cock whenever I need it! It would be my collection of young ones and teen sluts fucking me each and every night!
Category: Gangbang whore
I cheered him up
My friend has been down in the dumps since quarantine started. He hates being stuck at home but he takes care of his elderly grandparents so he has to be very careful. They are stuck at home 24/7 he doesn’t even leave to get groceries they have them delivered. So when this poor guy called me up and was practically crying because he was so horny I knew I had to help the poor man out. I took some sexy pics and sent them to him then hopped online so I could watch him getting off to my pics. He wanted to fuck me so bad but all we could do was masturbate together. We were watching each other and thinking back to the many times we’ve fucked in the past.When we finally came we had to laugh at the whole situation, it’s that or go crazy right? Well, we will be fucking again for real soon enough I hope.
Hot Teen Phone Sex For Perverts
I have been a whore since before I even knew what one is. Now I spread the whoreness around and go back to my hot teen phone sex roots. I don’t mind being daddies little accomplice or baby girl rape fantasy. My submissive side gives me free rein to be the doped up brat I have always been. See My daddy popped my bald cunt before He was supposed too. But he gave me the nose candy and I didn’t deny him. I knew I would get more with my pussy and so I gave it to him as much as he wanted. Don’t you want to turn your sweet brat into a dope whore like me too! Pump her ass full of daddy cream and make her you slave to that big daddy dick. She might be on the pole or hooking as soon as she can, but at least you got that sweet young pussy stretched out before anyone else could fuck that slut in training! Don’t be shy, I know you need to fuck baby girl holes and party with this trashy girl! I don’t have itty bitty titties anymore but I still love being your virgin daughter daddy!
The new neighbors love me
I met some new neighbors yesterday and they are cool as fuck! There are four of them, three sisters and a brother and they all live together and they are hot as fuck. I was invited over for a few drinks and let me tell you, shit got intense real fast. They all were down to fuck and who am I to judge if families wanna fuck right? All I knew was that they were sexy as hell and down to get me naked too so I joined in with lots of enthusiasm. The brother’s cock was big as fuck and he was happy to fuck all our holes with it. He filled my tight ass in a way I had never felt before it was so good! The girls were so hot too we were playing with strap on cocks and eating each other out. The whole night was a blur of drinking and fucking and orgasm after orgasm it was just what I needed after all this damn quarantining I’ve been doing lately.
Trashy Milf, Hooker for Hire and French Maid
Do you think I am a sexy? I get told all the time that I do not look like most women. I certainly do not look like my mom did! I enjoy being a hot mommy. The other night I had a special date. The guy hired me for a French maid fantasy. I was not prepared to arrive at a party. With social distancing still in place, I thought it was just him and me. It was part of his fantasy. He wanted to watch his wife and her stuck up socialite friends squirm being around a trashy milf. I was being stared down by several frumpy soccer moms; his wife was one of them. Not my fault the maid was hotter than all the snooty trophy wives. A bunch of jealous rich soccer moms wanted to go mean girls on me, so I played that game. There were two wives making things awkward for me as I went around cleaning up after the party goers. They made jabs, insulted my intelligence, insinuated that I am nothing more than a whore desperate for work. Two can play that game. I just seduced their husbands. I was there to fuck the host under his wife’s nose. The other men at the party, just bonus for me. I chatted with the two bitches’ husbands. I refreshed their drinks. I brought them out some appetizers. I whispered how much I wanted to fuck them too. I watched the bitches seethe with jealously as their husbands drooled over me. The two guys were best friends, so I thought why not let them tag team me in the bathroom. I left first. They followed a few minutes later. I wanted to be caught to put those jealous bitches in their place, but I was there as a hooker for hire and I needed to take care of the host. I took those horny husbands into bathroom, unzipped their pants and blew them while their bitch wives likely looked around the party for them. Blew them better than they had been blown before. I had no problem cramming both their dicks in my mouth or my ass at the same time. They exploded in my ass. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing I could get two married men to bang me with their wives not far away. I cleaned up, went back to party and waited for the host to make his move. Twenty minutes later, I was back in the bathroom doing the job I was hired to do. He did not last long, but he loved that his wife and her stuck up friends were not far away. It was my first quarantine party and it was my first fuck as a French maid with wives less than 100 yards away. There was no social distancing, but there was a lot of kinky fun. Before I left the party, however, I talked to each mean girl with her husband’s cum on my breath. The joke was on them. They did not shame me. I shamed them for being bad wives and frumpy bitches.