Category: Freaky phone sex

Lot lizzard lessons

Big dick sucker

Tonight at the truck stop I decided to hold a little meet with all my hoes. Seems that business is down a bit lately and I must get to the bottom of it. If there is punishment to be had you best believe I will be giving them out.
I had a recent complaint that some of my little lot lizards are not going down far enough while giving head. This is not how they were trained and I must put them to the test once again. They cannot be costing this bitch money. I made sure to have with me the biggest rubber cock I could get my hands on. I had plans on making these bitches line up one by one as they took this monster in their mouths and if they needed help I would be there to push their heads down on it making sure they knew how to suck some cock the right way. This would never be a complaint again from any of my Johns.

Jessica was first up and I must say she did quite well swallowing that cock down her throat. I knew she wasn’t doing our clientele wrong. Next was Ashley and she had a bit of a struggle. No worries though I grabbed her by that pretty little blonde ponytail and made sure she got it down to the point of her nearly puking on this over sized dong. I don’t think we will be having any cock sucking issues with Ashley. I could see Anna trembling as she walked up to our little test prick. I knew she was going to need a great deal of guidance. I lifted this limp rubber dick up and gave her lips a thud with it. She was hesitant on opening up so I grabbed her tit and gave it a little twist. Oh yes just as she squealed out I shoved that prick down her throat. This will be the last time she refuses to slob on a knob. Bringing tears down her cheeks as I slide this rod in and out of her mouth she finally gave in and took it like the nasty little lot lizard she is.

All girls passed after seeing Anna’s struggle and for that I gave them the reward of eating my pussy. After all my cunt was nice and primed up after I watched all my whores suck this cock. What better way to take care of my wet mess than to have them lick me clean. It’s nice having my little clan of whores, not only are they at my truckers beck and call more importantly they service me well when I need it.

Sexline with a sexy bitch!


 I was on a chat room last night talking to nice fella. He was really horny and wanted to fuck so he gave me his address. When I arrived at his place I was puzzled when a pretty woman answered the door. She invited me inside because she knew I was lost. I was then hit with the over whelming smell of kush, and as I looked around I noticed pills all over her counter and tin foil pipes everywhere.

She fixed me a drink and gave me a handful of mixed pills. I went ahead and popped them like the pro that I am. Feeling high the pretty woman began to kiss me, I couldn’t help but kiss back especially after getting a free high. As we began swirling tongues I began to grab her crotch when suddenly I was surprised by a huge throbbing cock. I began to stroke her cock hard and fast making sure there was pre-cum all  over before I went down sucking and swallowing her juicy cock.

She began to push my head down deep into the back of my throat testing my gag reflexes as I continued to choke. She flipped me on to my belly and had me spread my legs open as she inserted her huge cock into my pussy lips. Her dick being so wet slid inside with out a problem as she began to stretch my pussy out with her fast hard thrusts. I couldn’t help but cum all over her cock as she busted her load all up inside me. Once she was done fucking my wet cunt she began to pack my shit in working her huge fat cock down my ass hole. Thrusting and thrusting hard and deep making my shit hole raw. Who knew I would have such a great time tonight.

Phone Sex Line Truck Stop Fantasies

phone sex line Melanie

My phone sex line guys always have the most fun. We think of the nastiest fantasies that go on…especially at truck stop. So many things happen at truck stops at night time. It’s like an ongoing party. A total free for all usually. There are so many skanky chicks out in their best hooker outfits. Some wear wigs, or have holes in their tights, and of course all have on heavy makeup. I had just gotten off of work so I was still wearing my tight mini skirt and a half shirt…if you could even call it that. The bottoms of my tits were hanging out for everyone to see. Lots of the truckers were cat calling from across the parking lot. I knew I could have anyone of them but I had a specific trucker in mind. His name was Oliver and what a dirty pig he was. He was just what I needed tonight after a long day at the club. I wanted someone with no limits. Someone who would make me do anything he wanted. His truck was parked at the very end. He only makes it to this truck stop a few times a year since he is so busy. Once I spotted his truck, I just hopped right in. He had a few lines of coke waiting for me. He loves to get me all hyped up and focused before using me. I had a goal for tonight too. I wanted Oliver’s fucking piss all over me. I wanted to be his naughty whore that he would never forget, the whore that was located at this truck stop so he would have to come back more. I was going to take his piss down my throat like a champ. Fucking gag on it and have it come back out my nose. Then if I got any on the seats, I was just going to have to lick it up right in front of him like a pathetic whore…and that’s exactly what I did.

live phone sex Melanie

My Phone Sex Line is Always No Limits

phone sex line lilibethMy phone sex line is always no limits and no taboos. I am not the kind of lady that says no. In fact, I am not a lady at all. I am a dirty whore. This morning, I was a blasphemous whore. Last week, a group of ladies from the local church decided they needed to stop by and save my soul. In the process, they thought it would be acceptable behavior to shame my lifestyle. They told me I was lacking the sort of moral code a parent should posses when raising little ones. They don’t know the half of it either. Well, I do not take too kindly to strangers coming into my home attempting to judge me. So this morning, I took my oldest daughter to church with me under the false premise that we were there to atone for our sins. My husband makes enough money to bail me out of trouble, so I push the envelope whenever the need arises.

trailer trash whore lilibethMidway through worship, I stood up and let my coat fall to the ground so that I was in nothing but thigh highs and high heels in front of a shocked uppity congregation. I started singing blasphemous songs and fucking my cunt with a cross. I laid down on a church pew in front of the pulpit so my teen daughter could eat my twat. Some of the men began jacking off, much to the chagrin of their morally upright bitch wives. A few of the husbands of the very same women who pretty much told me I was going to hell gathered around my daughter and I so they could cum on our faces. The preacher was speechless. I tore pages from the Bible wiped my dripping wet cunt and tossed them in the coffers. My daughter tossed the prude club the cross that had been up my cunt and told them to remove the stick out of their asses and mind their own fucking business. Don’t think they will be coming around my house again anytime soon.

Craigslist Personal Ads

phone sex line Melanie

I was scrolling through Craigslist on my first computer. I was able to finally afford it through stripping full time. I didn’t even know that Craigslist had a “personal” section for M4F. I had to take a peak. I did and wow! What I saw sure made me really god damn horny!! All these men were asking for a strong redneck woman who had a submissive streak. That sounds exactly like me! I’m not a southern belle, I don’t have a real strong accent either…but when I get turned on and going, boy it comes out. I made a little list of all these guy’s phone numbers and what exactly they wanted to do. The thrill of meeting a stranger and letting them have their way with me got my panties soaking wet. I have to call them all right after my shift. Hopefully I can get off work and then really fucking get off to something nice and hard.

No taboo phone sex with Henrietta

No taboo phone sex

I love feeling your breath on my neck as you fuck me from behind. The way you stuck your cock inside my asshole as I did a line. Made my cock so hard. I love how you grab my titties as we fuck on our sides. I love feeling you deep inside of me. Fuck me hard daddy! Flip me on my back and slide that cock deep inside of me.

Hardcore anal sex

Fuck my whore tranny asshole. You paid for it, so fuck it hard! I rub my cock as you pound your dick in and out of my tranny asshole. I want to blow my load as you blow your load deep into my asshole! Fill me up with your cock and cum! 

Fisting Whore Lilibeth Teaches Her Teen Girl all about Fisting Phone Sex Fun

fisting whore lilibethI have a naughty confession. I am a fisting whore. I love it when a man puts his entire fist and forearm up my pussy, even my ass. My teen daughter said she wants to be a fisting slut too, just like her mother. So, today I decided to show her how to train her fuck holes to take a first. I explained that the pussy and ass muscles are very elastic which means there is no such thing as too big for either hole. With the proper training anything will fit in a tight cunt or ass. I demonstrated by working a very large dildo in my ass. Not only was it long, but wide. Double wide actually. Enough lube and patience and it fits every time. My daughter’s eyes got wide as the sky as she watched me work it in my ass. She gawked at me for a bit, then begged for her turn. I decided to start with her cunt. I got out this pretty sizable ball with little spikes for extra pleasure and doused it in KY jelly. I slowly worked it in her tight teen cunt. She grimaced at first, but I told her to relax. It works better when relaxed. I gave her a few hits off my joint and it worked in much easier. After about 30 minutes of pushing it in and out of her cunnie, she was willing to try it on her own. She was so proud when she could push it out with no hands. I was gushing watching her. My baby girl is a nasty freak like her mommy. She is no virgin, but she is not the fisting phone sex slut I am. Not yet at least. We spent the morning inserting big wide objects into our fuck holes and getting high. What would you like to see us ram up our cunts and asses? Besides your big hard cock that is!

fisting phone sex

Live Phone Sex Druggy Whore

live phone sex Melanie

Live phone sex is much more fucking kinky with a white trash whore who knows what you want. You want a no limit phone sex ho! I’m not afraid to get fucking nasty. I’ll talk about anything just to get my little snatch off. One of my favorite things to talk about is putting some white powder on a stranger’s thick cock and just snorting it right off like a fucking druggy whore. Coke makes me feel so good and high. It makes sex even better. I get like a bitch in heat when I’m on drugs. I’ll take whatever I can get! I’m not picky. Whatever you feed me I’ll take- I’ll smoke, pop, shoot, drink and snort anything you put in front of me. It makes life way more interesting in this boring fucking backwards town. I need something to do- so I’m always in supply of something great. Last time, my dealer didn’t have any coke so I bought some meth. Once I smoked that, I couldn’t be kept down. I called my fuckboy over and we fucked like rabbits. I was up for 3 days straight and couldn’t stop thinking about getting fucked. I let him fuck my ass then my throat. I must have looked so trashy when he wanted to see what objects he could fit in my fucking cunt. First he tried putting a beer bottle, then a cucumber; he even put my electric toothbrush in me. When it started vibrating, I couldn’t help but buck my hips up and beg for more. I looked and felt like such a worthless trailer park whore. I didn’t care. All I wanted was much cock. I wanted to take it in all my fucking holes and that’s what I did for the whole three days I was awake. And I loved every second of it.

phone sex line Melanie

Stoned and Fisted by my Girl

fisting phone sexThere is nothing I love more than young pussy and cock. I am a white trash whore and happy to be. However, if there is one thing I do love better than young pussy and cock, it is getting stoned and playing with young pussy or cock. Today was no exception. I had gotten some primo weed. This was some of the best loud I had gotten in a long time. I was completely stoned. When I get stoned, I get horny as hell. I am on the couch when my daughter comes in stoned out of my mind and playing with my pussy. I didn’t even have to say anything. The little slut came right over and started licking away on Mama’s hot snatched. She has gotten to be so damn good at it. She then starts to finger my cunt and I just lay back and enjoy the sensations running through my body. The weed has me relaxed and the feelings are intensified. She starts with two fingers and then adds a third. Before long she has four fingers up inside my hot pussy. I am getting close to coming when I hear a pop and realize her hand has slipped in all the way to the knuckles. She is fucking me with almost her whole hand. I tell her to put her thumb into her palm and keep fucking me just like that. She has my pussy all stretched out, but I am so relaxed from the weed, there is no pain at all, just pleasure. A little harder she pushes and I soon realize her whole hand is buried within my pussy. She closes her fingers into a a ball and begins fisting me. This was a new experience for me. I don’t even know where the little whore learned about it, but I am floating somewhere near heaven. When I look down, I see that she has slipped into me all the way past her wrist. She is fucking me hard with her fist and suddenly I spray come all over her. It is dripping down her face like it would if a man gave her a facial! I guess I can add Fisting Whore to my list of names now. Fits right in with Trailer Park Trash I guess!

Freaky phone sex with Ellen

I am the dirty whore you pick up after your drop off your bitch on Valentines Day. Your girl can’t take your big hard cock like I can. My used up pussy and ass wants you to fuck hard. I do not want some cute and sweet sex for Valentines day. I want my pussy and ass pounded. I want to feel your big thick cock deep inside all of my holes. I am a trashy nasty fucking whore.

Freaky phone sex

I want a man who gets angry when he fucks. I’m sure you had to eat your girlfriend’s pussy, and fuck her soft. Now its time to make me your bitch. Throat fuck me, make me choke on your cock and balls. Make me take every inch of your cock in my pussy. Make my asshole gape with your big thick cock. I am your dirty whore this Valentines Day!