Charles has a blow up doll that he calls Bedtime Betty and Charles does very nasty shit to that plastic sex goddess and he thinks he’s not a gotdamn freak lol. One thing Charles loves to do is dress the doll up in pantyhose and he puts his own pair of pantyhose also. It’s all so funny because he wants me to laugh at him while he’s doing his thing with her. Charles likes to be called vulgar names by me too. He tells me ha can’t get enough. We have a great time for hours, he stabs Betty with his little tiny tinkle monster that gets too funny. He dances with her and cums in all of her holes. When Charles gets done he does something different than any other man I know yes when Charles has used Bedtime Betty to the fullest he curls up in a ball, sucks his thumb and begs to be burped. I don’t know why but he has to do it or he says he feels incomplete. Bedtime Betty and I together are the best combination for Charles. Happy Valentines Day Charlie, I love you