You know there’s a difference between your everyday, average, run of the mill street walker and a good ol’ fashioned, down home, shit heel trailer trash whore, right? I mean, yeah, my paid pussy pack gets out and hustles the street with all of the other prostitutes, but not every girl of the night comes home after a hard night of humping to a trailer court full of pervs looking to pound their already pulverized pussies.
Escorts have it easy. They sit around the house until it’s time to go out on a date with some dude who found them somewhere online. You pay those prissy bitches to show up, whether they bang you or not. After an hour, they’ll offer you more time or they’ll jet depending on how they feel about the situation. That’s fucking lame. Order escort service from me or my girls and you’re guaranteed to get into some gash. We don’t play around, but we also don’t live in a ranch style house in the suburbs.
I know a lot of whores who live in one hood or another around here and they have a bit more of a buffer from weirdos once they get home than we do. Those neighborhoods are tight, people look out for each other in what you probably call the ghetto. Two things that are not tolerated: snitches and perverts. Sure, they’re still around, they’re fucking everywhere. Nowhere are they more concentrated than the trailer court, though.
My girls go through it all, really run the hole gaping gauntlet. Imagine trying to sleep after a hard day’s night but you can’t because creepazoids keep pounding on your doors and trailer windows to try to get you to suck them off or give up some ass. You should hear how whiny they get when you tell them “no” because you’re taking a day off. Fucking simps. So, my teen sluts fucking demolish any guy who doesn’t want to listen to them. They’ve had to develop a bit of an attitude to successfully live the life of trailer park prostitute. They don’t give a fuck about you and they only want your money when they tell you they want it, not when you want to give it to them.