Tis’ the season for teen sluts fucking for profit. Just ask my little sister how much she enjoys being out there slinging her ass and pussy. One of our favorite clients loves to make her say..
“Mommy wow, I’m a big girl now!” as she pumps her little bald pussy lips up and down on the fat north pole of a cock. I look at her and think how sweet it will be when my own daughter follows in our family whoredom footsteps. I think the Christmas Parties we go to are the most fun. The Tables are always overflowing with good pure cocaine and booze as the fun gets started. Seeing my sister’s baby girl pussy grinding in some much older man’s lap as she shakes takes a drink out of his cup gets my motor running.
I just walk up to her and drop to my knees. I pull her panties to the side and slip out his cock. I lick her sweet slit and start sucking on his mushroom head. Back and forth as they both start moaning and thrusting hips at my face. I lift my own skirt and wiggle my ass as a hot striper sex invitation. By the time I’m being penetrated, it’s time to help this cock into my teen sister’s baby girl whore hole! And now this party can really get started!
May the cum loads be plentiful and the dope keep cumming, Just like you!
Category: Hooker phone sex
Trailer Trash Whore Holidays
I am excited for the trailer trash whore holiday season. This is our busiest time of year as a family of whores. Lots of men want to experience a young pussy or ass. They want a family experience. We have the house decorated and even have a family fuck room with a separate tree, fireplace and a bed. We broke the room in last night when a guy wanted to playhouse with our two youngest girls. We dressed them up in pretty little holiday dresses and bows in their hair. One girl had a green velvet dress with matching bows and the other girl was in a red matching dress and bow. Both had on cute ankle socks. This guy has daughters who are older. His wife said she would take him to the cleaners if he ever touched their girls inappropriately. He needs a wife like me. I think differently from most wives. I am a firm believer that a girl should lose her virginity to daddy. No one will ever love or fuck her better than daddy. Same is true for mothers and sons. This daddy paid great money for our youngest sexy prostitutes. He was vetted and we scanned all his documents. That is how we make sure they do not hurt permanently one of our angels. Having some blackmail material on a “John” protects us all. Honestly, I love family experiences. My girls are all daddy’s girls, so they excel at these roleplays. We had a camera hidden in the room. It was hot to watch my littlest angels play house with their rent a daddy. They unwrapped daddy’s cock like it was the best gift ever. Our John fucked his princesses and filled them with his seed. He gave them gifts too. It was just like our holidays. Fucking and unwrapping gifts, but this time our little cash cows earned us a big payday.
The family that hooks together, stays together
I absolutely love selling myself. There’s nothing hotter than making some quick cash because some guy wants to pay to use my body. Really gives my ego a boost. And lately I’ve been mixing the brats into it as well. They wanna be just like momma, after all. Sometimes I have to hold them down if the cock is too big and they think it’s going to hurt, but they get used to it after awhile. Then the other sister will lay down in front of the sister being fucked, so that she can get her tiny, precious little cunt licked. See, both my little lolitas love to cum. And it’s so easy to get them off too. I’ve found men will pay thousands of dollars for a night with just the two of them. Mommy supervising of course. Who is else is going to hold them down when it’s time to get their tiny little assholes fucked? They hate it at first, but eventually really get into it! And the men, my god, do they love fucking the pair of them at the same time. It’s a quick couple grand for momma, and my little ones are learning how to be right and proper whores, just like their momma. I couldn’t be prouder! Now it’s time to give my two little cum dumpsters a bath so they can get ready for their next John!
Sexline Step mommy
Looking for a sexline Mommy who is the life of the party? One who will blow your friends and give them a nasty strip tease for the sheer pleasure of watching young cock come to life? Oh, Baby don’t you know I’m trashy enough to seduce your pops into watching a boy gangbang as long as he keeps the coke flowing? I’m the step mommy pulled from the streets into your bedroom as I use the skills I learned being an old fashioned whore on the end of your cock. These big fake tits are enough to get lost in as I use your thick fat young dick for my own pleasures! I love snorting lines right off your cock and making you lick this Trashy milf pussy. No, I haven’t stopped taking personal clients, only now your pops pays me to fuck as well. He also pays me to fuck you and take your cock and make you a man. There are things only a whore like me can teach you. And your Pops knows that with the proper fucking you can take over his legacy! Let me teach you how to be a man and enjoy a cum filled step mommy pussy!
Unrestricted Phone Sex Line
My phone sex line was busy over the holidays. I think it was the same for every woman in this business. Wives go shopping or go to visit their out of town families, leaving men off work and with some time on their hands. And those guys want to explore their wicked fantasies. I love talking to guys about jailbait pussy. I understand the desire. My experience with young girls and young boys is reality, however. Sure, I have some P fantasies I have yet to explore properly like getting my youngest boy gang banged because I think he is bisexual. But most of my dirty stories are based in reality because I am a trailer trash whore. I may not live in the trailer park anymore, but you cannot erase my white trash upbringing. The trailer park will always be with me. I was a young hooker. Sex sells. I took what I learned about being a Lolita whore and applied it to my big brood of hookers. My husband and I are what you call parent pimps. But we are way better parent pimps than my folks were. Much better. Our Lolita sluts keep most of their money. They have their own rooms. They go to school and have social lives. They have nice clothes and fancy gadgets. They live like rich 90210 boys and girls. They are educated, sophisticated little whores. A far cry from the dirty, uneducated, trashy whore I was for my crack head parents. I can talk about my little hookers for hire and my experiences as a young whore any day. That is why I work for a dirty, unrestricted phone sex company. There are so many guys down to fuck a young girl or even a young boy. Sex sells. It will always sell on the phone and in the real world. It is smart to be pimp parents nowadays.
Hooker Phone Sex the Family Way
Looking for hooker phone sex? I consider myself a prostitute, but I am no longer working out of a dingy trailer. I have traded a trailer for a gated house in California. I also traded pimps. My parents are no longer in control of my money or my body. My husband is my pimp, BUT I keep all the money my body earns. And I fuck only who I want. I am a whore, and a pimp because I oversee my young daughters and sons too. I know you might think that only my daughters and I are the whores in the family. Until I started a home brothel of young sexy prostitutes with my husband, I thought that too. But boys are in demand too. Both men and women like to hire young or teen boys for dirty play. Last night, my two oldest boys were hired by a couple for a family experience. It was different for my two teenagers, but they liked it. I went along to make sure every thing went as discussed. My husband has a guy who is the real muscle, but he stays outside. One push of a button, however, and he is inside kicking ass. You cannot ruin our merchandise. You can put them out of commission for a few days, but not permanently. This couple wanted a family holiday experience. My sons got a Thanksgiving meal and they got stuffed by daddy’s cock. This was a hot couple with no sons of their own. They have long wanted to have sons to play with. For a night, they had two. The wife had a boy to fuck, and the husband did too. My sons like ass play, especially my middle teen boy. Daddy is not much into fucking young boys, so I sometimes break out my strap-on for him. I love my family of whores. My boys performed so well last night, they got a fat tip and I do not just mean their rent a daddy’s cock!
Anal Cum Dumpster at Any Age
I love being an anal cum dumpster. I do not understand why more women do not give up their assholes. I have been training my little angels how to be anal whores since they were schoolgirls. I like to train girls with my dildos until they are ready for the real thing. I am always careful when they are young not to ruin their assholes, because men pay good money for that privilege. My youngest daughter is adopted. She is technically the daughter of my maid’s then teen daughter. We agreed to a private adoption because the girl was too young to raise a little girl and the parents were too old to raise another young one again. We have given the girl a good life and now it is time to start paying us back by being one of our sexy prostitutes for hire. I have been training her little butthole for an impending date this week. Her first. I have not trained her pussy since the man is paying bank for virgin holes. I can sell a virgin asshole a few times, but only a virgin cunt once. She is ready to give some guy the daddy experience. I just wanted to prep her asshole first. I have been using my smallest dildo on her baby butthole since she is so young still. Daddy cannot wait to fuck her. She is already a cock sucking pro, but daddy likes the money that Lolita virgins bring us, so he holds up fucking the merchandise until they are a used commodity. This girl may be an anal pro before she even gets her first dick in the ass. She backs her ass up on my dildo and giggles and purrs like a seasoned anal sex whore. The man that bought her virginity is going to have a great time with our youngest whore.
A Home of Hookers for Hire
Hookers for hire are not what they once were. You rarely see street corner hookers anymore. Most pros do not even need a pimp anymore. Modern technology has removed the need for the middleman. Now, my husband and I are a team. He looks like a pimp if you were on the outside looking in, but he is just the connections guy. He is more than that though. He does all the money transactions. I get the girls ready, and I escort them to their gigs. I train them to be good hoes. My husband is not an old school pimp though. We are not violent with our Lolita sexy prostitutes. We are not greedy either. They get to keep more than half of their hard-earned money. Our sluts are well cared for and treated like princesses at home. Spoiled girls, but not spoiled in a bad way. We have not a single brat. Not a single unappreciative girl either. They love taking care of older men and they love pleasing daddy and I with high paying Johns. Last night, we had a family affair. One man paid for all my girls and me for an entire night. More money than we usually make in a week, and it was just to play house with a pay for play Daddy. It was not a stretch for me to play the trashy milf wife who encourages daddy to fuck each of his daughters. Most Johns wish they really had a wife like me. Sometimes, I wish more women were like me, but then I realize that if there were, there would be no need for our services. We make bank off our home brothel because most women would send their husbands to jail if they knew what they were thinking. We give men the daddy experience they cannot get at home.