Category: Hooker phone sex

It runs in the family

I have been a slut since I can remember. My mom use to take me out on the job with her back in the yester years and she told me her maw did the same. So it is no surprise that I take my girls with me I need to make sure we have the bills paid and my girls know that they gotta pull their weight. If a trucker tells you he wants you to eat his ass, we do it and if he says he needs a hole to fuck, then you spread your legs.

Lot lizard sex

There is no freebies in my house and I refuse to let my girls think that they are going to be anything than what they are.  Our family is full of sluts and whores for hire. Any males we have in the family are always more successful because we girls have been taught to be what we are. A hole to fuck, a hooker for hire.

Party Favor

Gangbang whore

It was the party of the summer my pimp young one was turning into a man today. He was giving him a private party and he wanted his best hoes there.  I knew this little brat since his little ass was still sucking bottles.  We had everything drinks and all most importantly we had PUSSY and lots of it.  I picked the girls for this event we had to have top notch bitches and yes this was a party to break a new hoe in too.  She was pretty they type my pimp liked young and dumb as hell.  This pill popping whore was perfect to take the Birthday youngster virginity.  This was a proud moment for our Pimp he son was about to fuck his first hoe.  Instead of a traditional cake he had a fuck cake.  It was our pussy out so he could have his way with who ever.  He said he never ate pussy before so I taught him.  I placed my pussy right in  this fuckers face he started to lick the icing off my pussy like a lollipop.  It was time to break this hoe after that.  I held her legs open as he slid his half hard cock inside her sloppy wet pussy.  This little fucker started to cum after three strokes.  I had to put the strap on to show him how to fuck these hoes.  I pounded into this bitch pussy until she started to beg me to fuck her.  She had cum hard and that was trouble for her.  If you cum hard for a trick then  they can convince you not to take their money.  Our pimp had to show the young one how to handle hoes like this and keep them under control.  He was excited to see Daddy work this bitch over as we gangbang her to act right.

Dinner Date At The Truck Stop

Hooker phone sexSome redneck, white trash trucker called me up and wanted my slutty ass to come and meet him at the truck stop for a car date because he was going to be driving through town and wanted his dose of me! Can’t say that I blame him, i’m pretty fucking irresistible! My wet pussy pulsates when i’m parading around the truck lot! Last time I went and met up with this hick ass mother fucker, he ate out my dirty cunt for hours, you would have thought that I was his last meal on Earth! He calls me his little lizard because I have a wild tongue when i’m sucking his throbbing dick! It’s super nasty and gross looking and tasting but that doesn’t matter to a nasty whore like me, i’m in it for the money honey! This time when I went and saw him, it was the same as last, he ate me out for hours! His cock and balls smelled so fucking bad from all the sweat and body odor that’s been caked on to them while he had been driving, I was gagging as I was sucking on him but his cum shot was well worth it! He always has loads and loads of fresh gooey jizz for me! I’m the most scrumptious, naughtiest dinner date that a trucker could have during their rest!

White Trash Phone Sex Charity

white trash phone sexWhite trash phone sex is all I know. I look classy; I live classy, but I am not classy at all. I just married well. My husband likes trailer park trash women. Who doesn’t if they are being honest. Why? We are far more likely to molest our offspring, let daddy molest them too and party like a kinky freak than some Park Avenue bitch. I am the way I am because I was born in the sticks of rural West Virginia in a trailer park to meth head parents who pimped me out for years. You can’t polish up a turd is the old saying. I can clean up my appearance, but never my mind. I have a very dirty mind. I was at a fundraiser recently for The American Red Cross. The benefit was raising money for recent wild fire victims in California. I know how to raise money. I can raise funds like I can raise cocks. I brought my hot teen slut daughter with me. I love helping charity. Do you know how much money men will donate to fuck a mother and daughter or even just to have a teen whore blow them in the bathroom? I went around the room making offers to the men eyeballing my hot daughter. I shaved a few years off her real age, to make her even more taboo. The more taboo the fucking, the more men are willing to pay. My daughter and I worked the room. We spent most of the fundraiser in the bathroom being cum dumpsters, but we raised more money than the event, making us the biggest single donors of the night. We got a lot of individual sperm donations too. It wasn’t our money. It was the money of horny P men. We were sexy prostitutes for the Red Cross. Anything for charity, right?

Mom taught me

Hooker phone sex

I am a known hooker I can’t help it. Ever since I was a young one I was into fucking and getting money.  Now I’m grown and my pimp sees my worth and how I can almost talk my way to getting away with any and everything.  My mom was my first pimp.  I didn’t recognize it at first but now looking back.  She most definitely was my pimp.  She would have parties at the house to help pay the bills.  So if I guy started looking at me she would offer me up.  She would always tell me if you want something you have to lay down and get it.  The first time I turned trick I wasn’t even in High school.  I made like two hundred dollars but my mom said bills first and whatever is left was mine.  I thought I was making money because I was banging out at least a thousand a week and that was a slow week.  These old ass men loved my tight little body.  The things my mom taught me kept them coming back for more.   She said all men love young tight pussy so always keep it clean and tight.  Making a man feel like he the only one fucking your money box will keep them paying for it.  I could squeeze my pussy so tight them old men would start shaking like they was having a seizure.  One man even cried at how good my pussy was.  My mom was a great teacher of what I could do with my pussy.  Even taught me if you can’t squirt piss on them they don’t know the difference.  Everything I learned about the game came from her.

Whiny crybaby hoes

I grew up as a fuck slave, daddy and mommy whored my pussy and asshole out like I was a hotel. I was used, fucked, stuck, slapped, gagged and so much more. I know the harsh realities of it. But you know what, I am not whining or being a little sissy bitch about it either. I grew to like it. I love getting my fill and being put in my place, being used as a human toilet, having my pussy and asshole pounded and used as a cum dumpster. So when I see these cry babies who cannot keep their whiny ass mouths closed about how much their asshole hurts or about how men treat them so bad, I want to tell them to shut the fuck up and use what you got. Your pussy, titties, asshole and mouth. If you make the men happy, they give you the money to keep you happy. Little whiny crybaby hoes. Grow up!


Hookers for hire

Scat Playground in my room

My asshole is so fucking sore from last night. I brought this guy home because we were in the bar talking about how we both loved some scat play when we fucked and I thought what the hell, this will be fun and it was nice to find someone who was into the same kind of shit as me.

Scat phone sex

Well it turned out not only was he into it as much as I was but my body responded to him in ways I did not know were possible. This man was like the male version of me. He shit on me and I shit on him, we fucked over and over and then he would anal pound me into that bed again. There was so much of it. I tried to lick up as much as possible, we both did but it was coming out like cum.


I will definitely be calling him again to come over and pound whatever hole he wants, as long as we can play in scat heaven again.

Drugs, Dick, and More Drugs

Druggy phone sexI have three great loves: drugs, dick, and more drugs. I love to get high and cocaine is my favorite way to get high. But I’ll do any drug crystal meth, crack, heroin, pills. I’ve never said the word “no”. When I get high my pussy gets wet and I yearn for hard dick. It’s a crazy cycle, get high, have sex, come down from high then repeat. I’m lucky because I have a great body. My curves stop men in their tracks and I’ve never paid for drugs. Drug dealers and tricks like to put their dicks down my throat in exchange for getting me high. I don’t mind getting on my knees because I love to suck dick. I should give a class on how to give the perfect blowjob. It’s a lot more to it than putting a dick in your mouth and sucking. A good blowjob uses your hands, your tongue, and your eyes. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want to give up all of my secrets. Call me and we can discuss my skills further.

Tickle Fetish

no taboo phone sexYou seem to have an extreme tickle fetish. You always want to take me in the back and have me take off all my clothes. Then you will bind my hands together above my head with a black silk scarf and blindfold me. You tell me to guess what you are going to pull out of your bag of tricks to use to tickle. I nervously laugh because I never know. You have used a paintbrush, a stiff white chicken feather, an electric toothbrush, pantyhose, and a feather duster. You take the feather duster and rub it against my sides. There is something incredibly sensual about a soft feather lightly touching my naked skin. It causes me to laugh and have chills both at the same time. Not to mention how hot and wet it is making my pussy. You take the stiff white chicken feather and you rub it on the edges of my feet making me giggle like a school girl. You start scribbling with the feather on my arches and the souls of my feet until I am laughing and screaming. You like to tickle my pussy with your fingers until I am screaming,cumming, and peeing myself all at the same time. You then shower me in your hot wet cum. Your cum is dripping from my tits all they way down to my toes.

Cum Guzzling Whore

I am a nasty little slut and I need to get my cum guzzling cunt wet tonight. I did not make enough money last night and if I do not make up for it, I am not going to be able to pay rent. Is it just me or are all of these truck stop hoppers stealing the money. I just need to find one man who is ok playing with my pussy and maybe even my girls too and have him take care of us. I will give him whatever the hell he wants.

Hookers for hire

My ass hole, my pussy, my mouth I just need to make rent this month. I will worry about what to do next month and the month after that. I am just worried about right now, so who’s dick can I suck at this very moment to make sure my bills are paid NOW? Just open up them trousers, flop it out and give my mouth the cum to guzzle.