The only thing better than a trashy milf is two trashy milfs, LOL. I have a new friend who is about 15 years younger than me. She is in her early 40s, but she is just as wild as me. We were getting stoned at her place Saturday night when her son came home. He was not supposed to be home yet. He was with his father for the weekend. He came home and found the two of us with a black guy. The black guy was just some random stud from the trailer park, but he got spooked when her son interrupted our festivities and he fled the trailer. He must have thought her son was a husband or something. The boy tried to slut shame his mother, but I stopped him. The boy needed to know that even if his mother is a trailer trash whore, he still has to respect her. He settled down, but I saw the bulge in his pants. It was huge. This was a teenage white boy. I asked him if he had a sock in his underwear. He laughed, unzipped his pants, and out came a huge dick. “Does this look like a sock, slut, he said to me? I started sucking it. I mean I never did get the cum I wanted. My friend, his mother, fell to her knees and started helping me blow her son. I assumed that since she never even paused, she had blown his dick before. I figured she was a dirty MILF like me. It was her first time. Hell, she had not seen his dick since he became a teenage boy. She had no clue that she had a stud in her house. Her son owned us for the night. We were high and horny. He had scared off the only chance we had at getting laid. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise because the boy was a stud with a big cock. Turned his mother and I each into his personal cum dumpster. I am liking my new friend more and more each day.
Tag: trailer trash whore
Trashy Milf Beverly Shares a Teenage Boy with His Mother
Taboo Phonesex Means We Can Talk About Anything
Taboo phonesex means we can talk about anything. I am shock proof. Nothing is off limits to me. Not even my own little slutkins. I love talking about my family. I even enjoy sharing my family with you horny men. I have three sons, three daughters and two adopted daughters. They all have tight holes too. Most of my callers want to talk about the young pussy I have at home and I understand that. The lure of Lolita sex is strong. Daddy and I make bank off our young sluts’ tight, pink holes too, but sometimes I get calls for my sons. I will confess I love talking about my boys, especially my youngest son. He looks much younger than he is because of his hairless, soft body. My baby boy is a surfer. I think, over the years, that the sand has eroded his hair follicles. He has no hair on his back or his chest. And he still has a hairless cock and balls. Unlike his brothers, he has a sift body too. He has no interest in working out. He is the perfect boy for a P trashy milf like me, and even P men like you. From behind, you cannot tell if my boy is a girl or a boy. He has long hair for a boy, and soft features. He looks like a young boy, not a teenager. He is my favorite. I do not tell my other boys and girls that though. Most of my callers want to talk about all the young pussy I have in the house, but I like to talk about my sons too. I know I love a tight boy ass. Do you? No shame in admitting that you find a young boy attractive. I know I do. A soft, hairless boy is an P person’s wet dream cum true. I do a lot of naughty and unconventional things with my baby boy. He is so submissive that I can do anything to him. That means you can do anything to him too. My phone sex line is open, and we can talk about anyone and anything.
White Trash Phone Sex Babes Know Fridays are for Fucking
I put the trash in white trash phone sex. I have a smoker’s voice. Mature and gravelly. I am what I am. I am not polished. I am a raw and dirty whore. What did I do this Friday night? I crashed a teenage party. I do it often. I live in a trailer park. Most of the women in this place are single moms. Many work in strip clubs or as escorts. Friday night is a busy night for sex workers. I guess I am sort of a sex worker. I do have a dirty talk line. I take off most Friday nights though, even though my sexline can be very busy. I need to make money, but I also need young cocks for my mature pussy. I take off Friday nights and either whore myself out for coke at the local truck stop, or I crash a teenage kegger in my trailer park. I did the latter last night. I walked right up to the bonfire where a bunch of teenagers were partying and said I wanted to join the fun. I am a hot cougar. Young boys love me. Even younger girls love me too. I was the one to crank up the heat at that party. I started dirty dancing by the fire. I grabbed a beer and teased all the teenage boys with my milf body. The boys surrounded me with their cocks out. The girls just watched and sighed relief that I would take care of the horny boys. Boys are horny. They will pressure young schoolgirls to fuck them. No need to pressure a trashy milf. We want to fuck young boys. It was cool outside, but that bonfire and the teenage cocks warmed me up. I drained young balls, drank beer, smoked weed and even ate some young pussy too. I love my wild Friday nights. Fridays are for fucking.
Drunk Girl Fucking in a Bar Full of Horny Men
I am more of a coke whore than a drunk girl fucking. But I can drink any man under the table, even as skinny as I am. I think all that coke gave me a high tolerance for any illicit substance. I was challenged last night at this local dive bar. I was bragging about how no man can get me drunk enough to do shit I don’t want to do. I never pass up a challenge. Never. Ever. I took his bet and started doing shots of Fireball followed by beers. I was keeping up with this big guy who thought he could out drink me. At some point in our little drinking competition, I got super horny. Liquor does that too me. A trailer trash whore can still handle her booze. This guy did not know me or my reputation as an old coke whore. He also did not realize I was a dirty slut too. He thought he won when I started blowing every guy in the bar. He thought that meant he won. I told him he was not making me be a whore. I was one with or without the booze. I wanted to suck those cocks. The truth is there is not much I will not do so this guy was not winning. I kept pounding back the beers while I was blowing guys and talking to my challenger too. He was looking like he might puke. He was struggling to keep up with a skinny lot lizard. I told him we could call off the bet, but he was not losing to a blonde fucking whore. I ordered a round of beer and started pounding them fast again. He was wasted. Slurring his words, stumbling all over the place. When he went down like a sack of potatoes, I took his clothes off and fucked his ass with a beer bottle. I also wrote all over his body with a black sharpie like Loser and Shrimp dick. For as big and tall as he was, I expected more. I went back to fucking the men in the bar to celebrate being crowned the beer queen whore. Like I said, no one out drinks me.
Trailer Trash Whore Beverly Loves Big Black Cocks and Cocaine
I love being a trailer trash whore. Dirty whores like me have the most fun at truck stops. I have my Friday night ritual of whoring myself down at the truck stop for my weekend party favors. I am a blonde lot lizard. Truckers love me, especially the black ones. I may be skinny, but I am not a meth head, so I look good. Most of the skanks down at the truck stop look atrocious. Their tits are saggy. They have scabs all over their bodies. And their faces are all sunken in too. I am like prime rib at the truck stop. I am just a coke fiend. Coke may make me skinny, but I still look good. And that means this lot lizard sex whore can get all the big black cocks and coke she can handle. I bounced from cab to cab draining big black balls and getting some coke for my troubles. The last truck I hung out in was the best one. So good, I spent the night. Two black truck drivers who were happy to share their coke and their cocks with me. I was so excited too. New black meat for me. They are from Chicago. Got their truck driving licenses after Covid tanked their BBQ eatery. They were mid-30s. I was still old enough to be their momma, which added to the fun for all of us. I did lines of coke off their cocks before showing off my bedroom skills. They were impressed that I could swallow both their cocks balls deep. They have been messing with black girls and girls their own age. They needed a white trashy milf to show them what they have been missing. I not only sucked their cocks balls deep, I took those anacondas balls deep in my pussy and asshole too. They gave me more than half their stash of coke for being such a ball draining whore. Hell, I would fuck those brothers for free. Some of the best black meat this old whore as had in a while.
Trashy MILF Lilibeth Stays in Shape Fucking Other Women’s Men
Being a trashy milf comes easily for me. Sure, I left my trailer park roots. I polished up well, but none of the other private school moms think much about me. They see me as a gold-digging trophy wife even though my husband and I have been married longer than any of them. Most of these judgmental cunts have been married many times. Not me. Married once. One baby daddy yet these silver spoon bitches, and trophy wives want to judge me. My youngest daughter had this bake sale recently at school. The other cunt mothers tried to shut me out of it. But they do not really know who they fucking with. I am sort of gangsta, LOL. Well, not really, but I am a trailer trash whore and I get my revenge. I dressed up in a short plaid skirt with a white crop top and high heels. I was determined to fuck every one of those bitches’ husbands. They all use personal trainers and pills to stay in shape. I stay in shape fucking their husbands, LOL.
The queen bee of the private school parents was my target at the bake sale. Most of the dads never attend these functions, but her husband does because he is on the board of directors. I dressed like a slut to get his attention. It worked too. All eyes were on me, especially his. I went up to him, in front of his wife, and hugged him. I was just saying thanks for all he does for our students. I slipped him a note too. Soon, I was sucking his cock in an empty class room which was followed by him fucking my ass over a school desk. I went back to the bake sale with his cum dripping down my legs. He was smiling. I was smiling. And queen bee’s face was priceless. I just gave her a smirk and a wave. I licked my lips in front of her too because her husband’s yummy spunk was on them. I think she knew we fucked. She will not leave him. He is rich as fuck and she signed a prenup. When will these judgmental cunts learn to leave me alone. I will fuck all their husbands, dads, brothers and sons because I am a white trash phone sex whore.