My phone sex line is for dirty men. I don’t do too many vanilla GFE type calls. I don’t have a vanilla life. Guys always want to know about me, so here it is. I am in my late 30s, almost 40! I have 6 offspring and 3 adopted girls. We have a big family. I married a former john from my trailer park jailbait hooking days. I came from nothing and married well. My husband liked young girls and when he first fucked me, I was a young schoolgirl living in the backwoods of West Virginia. I never went to school. I was not born in a hospital either. In fact, there was no record I was even born. I lived my early years in a dingy trailer taking care of men my parents brought home for me to fuck for money. My husband bought me from my parents, moved me to California and polished me up. I birthed him baby girls when I aged out at 18 for him to fuck. We still fuck, but he likes them young. So, do you, I bet. I loved birthing little fuck toys for my husband. My big brood of sexy prostitutes have a way better life than I did. But I am scrappy. I over came my trailer park roots and now I am the madam of a home brothel. I may have left the trailer park, but the trailer park didn’t leave me. I am still a dirty whore who will gladly share her little sluts with you for a price, of course.
Category: Hookers for hire
My Phone Sex Line is for Dirty Fun
Big Dick Sucker Mommy At Trunk Or Treat
Your big dick sucker whore had an all-out fireman gangbang at my daughters trunk or treat last night. We were all dressed up as little slutty fire girls. In skintight outfits with our camel toes showing. Now I had a little too much coke before we left, and I was so horny that my leotard was wet in the crotch. I felt like I had pissed myself. My nipples were on display and her cunny and nubbie tits were very visible. It didn’t help that the local fire department was there handing out candy and letting the brats play on the fire truck. Those hunks took one look at me and her and all five of those firemen disappeared inside the church with me and my brat. I was on my knees sucking a round of big cocks while my daughter played with her pussy for us. I was covered in cum and had to go buy my brat candy and a happy meal on the way home. Momma Hadley had her happy meal of big cock already!
Nasty Phonesex
I was late on my rent and like the slick bitch that I am. I knew I could call up my landlord and just get away with not paying rent this month. I don’t even know why I have been paying rent up until this point. As a matter of fact I’m not going to pay rent anymore. You see my landlord is a middle aged married man.He is short and stubby so I already knew he had a thick fat cock. My sexy chocolate lips couldn’t wait to put my mouth around his meat. I sucked the soul right out of his body. Once he came over I didn’t even say a word. I just bent down unzipped his pants and pulled it out and got to giving him the best head game I have ever gave a man. Hell my life depended on it. It was either suck the life out of his dick or get kicked out. I was not going down like that. I must have spit and slopped his nuts and took his dick whole into my mouth. I even let him cum in the back of my throat. I could taste his salty liquid running down my throat like buttered cream. It was delicious. Once we were done he nodded his head and we had a understanding that needed no other explanation. I can’t wait until next month to slopped up his dick some more and swallow all of his seeds. I think I will let him fuck my pretty brown pussy as well. I might can upgrade my unit. You see I like to tell Nasty phonesex stories about my fuck sessions. I would love to share a couple with you while we both make ourselves cum.
Trashy MILF Lilibeth and Hot Teen Slut Tiffany
This trashy milf has an eye for talent. I met Tiffany at the mall. She was shopping for sexy clothes too. She is beautiful. Barely legal hottie who likes to hook sugar daddies. Her and I started talking and became fast friends. She is a mini me. I told her I had a way she could make a lot of money fast. She was perfect for this job I had because she could easily pass as my daughter. Not that I don’t have several jailbait girls at home that would be perfect too, but Tiffany had the bad ass teen look my big spender wanted. She is a bit older than my girls, likely sluttier too. My client wanted a girl who looked young but, was just barely legal. My girls can’t drive or vote, but Tiffany is a coed. I made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. The next thing she knew, she was with me at the Bel Air Hotel.
My client is a Greek oil tycoon who loves mother daughter sex. He loves the idea of fucking a mother in front of her teen daughter and vice versa. He pays very well too. Tiffany watched Starvos fuck the shit out of me. I had no idea what a creampie slut she was. Once he pulled out of my pussy, she was begging mommy to eat her cunt. Starvos loved watching her lick his mess out of my pussy. Tiffany was a natural. She was acting more like my daughter than my own daughters. My rich John enjoyed fucking Tiffany’s pussy and ass. He said our cunts even felt the same. He bought that we were mother and daughter hookers. Tiffany didn’t seem to mind fucking him either. He is not the most handsome or hung man, but I overlook that because of the money. He is just a lonely rich man who likes to hire sexy prostitutes. Who am I to say no to easy money? Since Tiffany was such a pro, I gave her half. She earned every bit of that $5,000 too. Now, I just have to convince her to whore herself out more often because she can be a millionaire soon with her skills.
Fabulous Firsts
I have been so horny lately. All I have been able to think about lately is my first time with a woman. She was so delicious, I cum every time I touch myself to the thoughts.
Her body quivered as I brushed my hand along her curves. Her bare skin had goosebumps all over it. I gently kissed each of her breasts then sucked hard on her nipples to get them nice and hard.
Her breath was shaky and laced with ecstasy as I stuck my tongue into her warm, wet pussy. She tasted sweet, like she was literally dipped in sugar. I couldn’t get enough.
I shoved my tongue in further, flicking his g spot. She moaned in pleasure and gripped the sheets tightly. Her toes curled as I ate her out.
Her cum was so delicious, it tasted like pure honey. I brought my face back up then wiped my mouth, I was still hungry. So, I decided to bring out my double-sided strap-on.
I inserted my side into me, the thrust it into her pussy hard. I didn’t want to be gentle. I wanted her to scream my name.
I could tell she was about to burst, so was I. The 11 inches felt so good. I took it all like a champ, and so did she. Our pussies drooled in pleasure as our bodies meshed into each other.
I thrusted hard on last time then both of us screamed in bliss. Cum leaked down my side of the strap=on and into her pussy. She was filled with my cum. I felt so powerful and accomplished. I couldn’t wait to fuck her again.
Ladyboy Hookers for Hire
I am not your average hooker for hire. I have a nice panty surprise duck tapped between my legs for you. Sometimes I can try to hide my cock when all I need is a good anal fuck. It depends on how much dope we share throughout the night. But I am always caught even if my reputation doesn’t proceed me. My cock gets so hard I bust right out if that tape and I have to jack my ladyboy clit as I get fucked. Most often when we snort lines or roll a bowl I end up fucking your ass hard and deep. You know I love to lick and slurping my own cum right out of your ass hole. I am a fucking paid whore and I will let you do just about anything to me. I mean you smoke my tight ass hole out and I just might give it to you and your friends for free. don’t worry my shemale lover. I’ll make it up giving $20 blow jobs later.
Trashy Milf Lilibeth Loves Teen Sluts
Being a trashy milf has its benefits. I am very popular with my offspring’s friends. My middle daughter had some school friends over Friday for a slumber party. I was happy to host cute young teen girls. Girls their age are sluts. None of her friends are virgins. They all have older men who can buy them pretty things on the hook. They trade sexual favors for their hot teen pussy. Most high school girls aren’t fucking high school boys. Any man with looks and money can get himself a hot teen slut nowadays. I think its very entrepreneurial of them. I asked the girls to tell me about their sugar daddies. At first, they were shocked I even knew what they were up too, but I assured them I was not their mom. I am a cool mom. Once they opened up about their older men, I passed around the dildos. We started sharing kinky sex stories and masturbating. Teen sluts fucking always makes me wet. Things got sloppy wet as I heard them talk about all the dirty old men they are fucking for money and gifts. My daughter is a hooker and me and daddy are her pimps. She gets paid well and she loves it, but maybe the men her friends are fucking would like even younger girls and perhaps these young sluts would like to make even more money. My daughter saw my head spinning and knew what I was thinking. I made the girls an offer they couldn’t refuse. Teen girls are all about the Benjamins. My husband was very happy to discover that I brought him more girls for the brothel plus I scored him names of rich men who like young pussy as possible new clients. When it comes to sexy prostitutes, I have a great eye for talent.
Druggy Whore
I like to get high and fuck. There is nothing more or nothing less. That is just the bottom line. As a matter of fact either I am fucking while I’m high or fucking to get my next fix. I smoke, drink and pop pills. My drug of choice is crack. Once I get a good hit of that shit my juicy fat pussy automatically cums. It just drips right down my leg. That is when you know the crack is good. You see I have been a druggy whore almost all my life. It runs in the family. I have to sell my pussy just to support my habit. My favorite type of guy to party with is an middle age CEO of a million dollar company. They always know how to party for days or even weeks. I get whatever drug I want and how ever much dope I want. All I have to do is suck a room full of dicks. Usually let them gangbang my pussy. Lick a few balls here and there and keep smoking dope until I can’t handle it anymore. As you can see I am your typical party girl who gets high and likes to fuck. Everyday is a party and I will do whatever to get my next fix. I want to party right now and suck the skin off your dick. Are you ready?
White Trash Phone Sex P Mommy
White trash phone sex includes talking to a dirty P mom like me. I love pimping out my little girls. They range in age because when my girls get older, my husband and I adopt younger girls. Men pay good money for my Lolita daughters, but the super young ones demand the most money. The youngest one can barely talk. She just babbles mostly. That is okay because her mouth is better off sucking cock than talking. Daddy arranged for a wealthy European P man to take her virginity. For a cost, of course. Virgin cunnie is worth top dollar, especially with a little princess. My girls regardless of natural birth or adoption status are clean, cute girls. They are not druggy, dirty whores. Not yet at least. Sure, I am a trailer trash whore, but my sluts are not dirty. They smell and look like angels. They are not strung out, so they can play along and call you daddy. They enjoy being whores. They live in a nice house. They have pretty clothes. They go to the best schools. They have the latest technological toys. They are loved. Instead of learning how to play the violin or being on the soccer team, they are spreading their little bald cunts for money. They have the best lives.