Category: Anal cum dumpster

Anal sex whore Alyssa’s Bottom Bitch Dream

Anal sex whore     Ghost had me feigning again he would take a little bit of that sweet devil then give me more so I would be out there on the street handling  business.  Damned if he cared about the piss and shit that was all over my body he wanted to get paid and that was it. That’s where I caught myself today trying to keep warm in an local  area McDonald’s before heading back out. If Ghost knew I was just in there trying to get a break there would be hell to pay! I was shivering now and the sweat was trickling down my face and I knew that my next move was going to cost me but I didn’t care. Ghost’s crew was all over the neighborhood and it would only take a call from one of them to just crack my fucking neck!

     I saw the car pull up and was happy it might be another client for the night. I was trying real hard to get that money for Ghost. At one point I had even tried to shove a few bucks deep in my asshole to try o save something for myself, but he would just take his long rod and pull it out of me.  He some how knew it was hiding it in my ass. My cunny was bleeding and I was cramping real bad when you showed up! I had managed to call you and my little cunny was aching and sore you were going to take care of this little ho’s needs for cock! Pulling me up to my feet you put me back in the car and fucked me up real bad! You said it was a turn on to see my little cunny in the air and that glass dick in my mouth. I was going to get it I was sure and take you to the next level. You were high and so was I but the gleam in your eyes was saying I am going to fuck you until dawn. I was your nigger slut and whore but  you didn’t realize it yet.  I was soon going to be your bottom bitch!

Druggy phone sex cracks Melanie

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     I was wondering if you had something to take the edge off. My cunny needed to be licked and I was giving up anything I could to get that feeling that would send me over the edge. I needed a pimp out here but then I needed to get straight  first .I was planning on going to go rehab with Momma but that shit was just too damn long and I needed it now the feeling of peace that came over me with each hit. I would rather just being sucking and fucking cock and just getting things plugged into my asshole while I smoked on that glass cock. Working that glass cock made my sucking kills to you so much better. I t was the challenge of seeing that wave come all over my body and being so high! I couldn’t take it anymore I needed that cock from you and if I didn’t get it soon then it was going to be bad news for me! I needed it bad and the best thing is that if I knew you were around you would give it to me.

     The thrill of it all is that whoring was in my blood line so I should be so able to get really straight from all the uncles that I have had over the years shoving their shit down my throat. Come on babe I need it really bad don’t you want to feel good! I will be so good to you and I want it so far up my ass. I like it bareback and you are just the person I need to give it to me. I am shaking that’s a damn shame so I need that cock right now and fucking that rock up would be so good. Let’s do this thing together I have half a pebble left and lit do that and fuck me in my ass and little cunny right now! I need it now and I know you can use the high too!

private party

cum filled cunt freidaAs a stripper, I normally don’t do private parties. The money is not as good and the guy is usually dull. They always want to live out some boring suburban fantasy about 2 girls or getting spanked, or even worse, they are afraid to touch you because their wives might get mad.

But when you came up to me in the club, waving a ton of cash and promising an adventure, I couldn’t resist.

When I reached the meeting spot and saw that it was an abandoned warehouse, I new this was not going to be ordinary.

It was pitch black inside and i couldn’t see at all. My skin got prickly when I felt your breath on the back of my neck whispering that you were just going to put this blind fold on and to take your hand and follow along. I did as I was told. I was already getting moist.

You snapped your fingers and I heard footsteps come closer to us. You ordered the person to remove my clothes. The latex gloves touching my skin sent a wave of intoxication through me.

The person gathered my things and walked away, and another was summoned and fitted me with a collar. You gave the collar a sharp yank and instantly dropped me to my knees scrapping them and causing them to bleed.

I heard the collar person walk away and never heard the footsteps of the people who attached chained cuffs to my wrist! How many people where here, anyway?!

You command another to bring the tools! I heard a switch and then incredibly loud music, so loud you can’t think! And then without command, as if following a script, all of the servants, with their latex gloves, began to unleash a never ending series of erotic and painful torments.

It started simple enough with what felt like an over sized vibrator being driven into my dripping cunt. That went on through out the night, even after I had splattered loads of sticky milk all over who ever was in control.

Then an additional tool was inserted deep into my corn hole. Both holes were being pounded non stop. I thought I would start to lose feeling and then a second tool was added to each fuck hole. My ass was stretched beyond its limit and my body was life less on the floor.

Another person grabbed my hair and yanked my head back and you ordered a person to get into position. The person pulling my hair shoved my head back down, burying my face into a tiny hairless pussy. You commanded that I eat to keep up my strength. I obeyed your command. I love the idea of you controlling me! And from what I can determine, all of these silent servants with their latex gloves are OTHER GIRLS under your control to!

I was so dehydrated from squirting everywhere but my wore out cunt was still throbbing in ecstasy!

I was yearning for your cock in my mouth, I was begging for it with what little energy I had left. But you denied me. That was the ultimate torture.

You whispered into my ear as I lie exhausted in a pool of my own cum, that you never touch the girl on the first night and that there would be instructions when I woke up.

The next day, I woke up in the most exquisite hotel room with a card leaning against a sky high stack of money. The card simple stated a phone number and that I should expect a call from that number for further training if I was to join intended to join your team.

No one has ever given me such an erotic experience!

So I am sitting waiting for that call….I need you to train me!

Beer Bottle Skank

Cum Whore Bitch Phone Sex CindySo it is spring break, and you know what that means right? Fucking wild and crazy? That is right! So I went to the store to get some beer with some of my friends. The weather was nice as fuck so we were going to get our grill on. Who the hell wouldn’t want to grill in this weather? Anyway so I am at the store and this bitch seriously gives me a fucking stank eye. Jealous ass bitch had the nerve to look at me like she knew me. What bitch? You think I am a whore? Well guess what I am and I will take that nice piece of eye candy on your arm and fuck the shit out of him and there is nothing your stupid ass is going to do about it. So we went about out shopping and checked out and like went to the car. I know you already know who was parked right next to my buddy’s car, right? Mother fuckin stuck up bitch in the front seat while her man loads the groceries into the car.Dirty Anal Play Phone Sex
She eyed me in her rear view so I decided to put on a show for her. I took a beer bottle out of the box and stuck it up my skirt, eyes locked with Mr. Man Prize. Squeezing my tight ass cheeks around it I twisted the cap off that bitch and let the cap ping off the ground. I removed the bottle from my skirt and licked on it with my luscious lips showing him what I could do to the cock that was hanging between his legs. I am sure little miss prude in the front seat never showed him anything like this; never could and never would. His jaw drop as I took it to my lips and chugged it down. Tossing the empty glass bottle under my car I winked at him and licked my bottom lips. He shut the trunk his mouth watering like a little hungry bitch for me. “Look me up on Facebook sexy, and I will show you how you deserve to get fucked real good.” I gave him my name and took his. He told me he would contact me as soon as twat waffle wasn’t around.
So went home, got trashed ate some good food and then, boop, there is pretty face. ‘Hey sexy, that thing you did with the bottle was so hot, I want more.’ I mean, of course he wanted more of this white trash skank. Who wouldn’t I am a total cum bucket willing to do whatever the fuck any guy wants to make him happy. These vanilla bitches did not know what they were missing when it came to bomb ass fucking. We talked back and forth he told me I am a dirty girl and that he didn’t care he wanted a chance for me to rock his cock. So I gave him my address and invited him over. I let my buddies know so that they wouldn’t be surprised when a new person showed up.
My friends were so used to my wild ways. I had fucked each one of them at one point or the other, and could still fuck any of them. So Muscles shows up and is already hot and ready to fuck with a capital ‘F’. We grab us a few beers and I take him to my bedroom. He ate my pussy like someone kept in a third world prison who ain’t ate in weeks. That shit felt so good. He took out a beer bottle and shoved it up my cunt. It was so cold and wet it sent shivers up my spine. I moaned as he played with my clitty with his finer and fucked me with the bottle.
Takin a rubber out my drawer I told him to wrap it the fuck up and rail me with that dick. He wrapped it and then flipped me over, pulling my hair and shoving his cock deep inside my pussy. He spit onto my tight little ass hole and I though he was going to shove his dick in. Surprise! Not his cock, but instead the same beer bottle he had in my tawt. This dude was giving me Double penetration with his own dick and a beer bottle. I wasn’t going to complain though. Shit felt so good I came twice before he removed his dick wrap and shoved himself in my face to finish. I swallowed ever bit of him while I was still on all fours. Then I shot that bottle out of my ass and popped it open and had a sip.
He smirked at me as I rolled over and propped myself up on my elbows. “ You are one nasty bitch , babe. We have got to do this more often.” I chuckled at him playfully and took another sip of my beer. “Guess we will have to see, your girls gotta busy schedule ya know.” I played coy, knowing he was another one to add to my fuck list. I liked my list long and with a wide variety and I was always looking to add to it.
Do you want on my fuck list?White Trash Phone Sex Cindy

Lot Lizard Sex for the Pavement Princess

lot lizard sex BethanyLast night, I was just wanting to get some good, nasty fucking from anyone I could find, so I went over to the local truck stop. Those boys know they can find some of the skankiest hos in the area over there, but it’s also the best place for lot lizard sex.

I didn’t really care what I got, I just needed some cock. So, when I got to the truck stop, I walked up to the first closed can I saw and banged on the door. No one home. Same at the next one. The third cab opened to me to reveal a scrawny trucker chowing down on a burger.

“Ya got anything to share?” I asked him.

“Sure do, but I’m not putting down my meal.”

“You don’t have to.” He swiveled in his seat, I unbuttoned and unzipped his fly, and pulled out his hardening cock. I swallowed it down, greedily gagging on it in my haste to taste that delicious cum, and I barely noticed when I felt hands prodding at my skirts at my rear.

The stranger behind me pulled aside my thong and stick a rock hard pecker into my pussy. He practically lifted me up, which made it easier to keep sucking on the first guy as he contentedly finished up his burger.

Then I heard a deep, ominous voice, “What are you two doing to that fine lady here?”

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With a one-two-grunt, the guy fucking me spent himself – over so fast! – but the dude I was sucking went limp at the sound and pulled himself away from me. I was dropped like a hot potato.

The man who had spoken was a big, burly man, heavily bearded. He beckoned to me and said, “C’mere, pavement princess, we’ll get you cleaned up.”

Somewhat miffed at my fun being spoiled, I followed him, back to his truck. At the cab, he opened the door to the passenger side, hidden from view, lifted me up easily, and sat me down on the seat there. He then reached under my skirt, slid off my thong, and spread my legs. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked him.

“Cleaning you up,” he replied, diving his head down and licking out the cum from my previous occupant. Then he hitched his pants down, picked me up, shoved me against the side of his truck, and fucked me hard, bouncing me on top of him like I was riding a pogo stick.

When he was done, I could barely stand, so he gave me a ride home. I had my husband suck the rest of the cum out of my dripping pussy before going to bed for the night.

cum dumpster Bethany

Taking the Train

Anal Sex WhoreI had to work late at work supervising a bunch of construction workers. And after I drained each and everyone of there cocks It was time to go home. I took the train so I could sit and play with my pulsating cum filled pussy and relive all the fun I just had! I didn’t even care who was watching me. I was lost in my own world. My legs were spread wide with two fingers shoved in my waiting cunt. I was so close to cumming! It was building and building when I felt someone grab my hand and pull me up. It was some gang banger’s on the train. I didn’t even see them get on. They were all talking at once calling me a whore. A slut! I told them to shut the fuck up and fuck me! I don’t was being pulled every which way. My tits squeezed and my clothes ripped off! Then I felt all their cocks at once! My asshole, my mouth, my cunt all being filled! It was pure heaven! Right there on the train. Being treated like a dirty whore. I have never cum so much in my life! I am going to have to start taking the train home every night!

Working Late at the Office!

Anal Sex WhoreI had to work late at the library today! And that fucking sucks! We are opening a new exhibit and I Had to supervise some of the workers. I was really hoping it would be done early so I could go out and party! I was sitting upstairs watching all the workers. There sweaty body’s working hard. I got so turned on I raised up my skirt and starting playing with my pussy! I knew they could easily see me and I really done give a fuck! My cunt is pulsating! And I need to be fucked. So I started moaning louder. Just to get their attention. And it worked like a charm! The guys watched me for a few minutes. Then they made there way upstairs to me! When they finally showed up I told them it was about time! I turned around and bent all the way over. Showing off my ass and pussy lips. I looked back over my shoulder and said “Who gets to fuck me first!” I didn’t bother getting their names! I dont give a fuck who they are. One by one I took each and ever hard cock and when I knew they were close I would scream cum inside me baby! And they all did! I am such a fucking cum whore!

Cum dumpster Stripper BJ

Cum DumpsterCum dumpster stripper BJ is the trashy whore for unloading in. Can we say trashy stripper milf? Yeah, that would hit the nail on the head. My blow jobs are hot but fucking my holes will make your jizz flow. Hardcore anal fucking is my kind of fun and more filled my holes get the hotter I fucking get. 

Sloppy seconds, thirds or even maybe you can take me last, after I take all your friends and the cum is oozing out of my slut holes. Pop in that stripper sex porn and then pop into my sloppy cum oozing pussy. There is not a position I love more than doggy style with a cock in every hole..hell I will take you and my son in my pussy or maybe invite your son along and really stuff me. Stuff me stretch me make my pussy sloppy wet and dripping spooge. 

Anal Cum Dumpster

I am not patient if you’re late I will have already left and found some party with plenty of black cock to stuff and stretch me. I want my cunt fucked good hard and deep and filled stretched and gaping. Maybe your pathetic and get off watching me get filled and stretched? I hope you plan on taking me after all this bbc’s had their way with my sleazy holes. 

The Cum Dumpster In The Parking Lot

Cum Dumpster HadleyTruth is I was fucking bored waiting for him to show up when I saw the two black guys looking at me like I was a cum dumpster. This bar was full of black men and I found my cunt wet, so wet, each time I realized I was being watched. I saw the two get up from their table as I entered the ladies room. I dumped a small pile of white powder on the rim of the toilet and almost fell on my ass trying to snort it. The thought of dirty cunt on that toilet seat made me even wetter as I choked the bitter drain down my throat and pinched my nipples hard as I felt the meth hit my bloodstream. When I opened the door they were waiting for me and I told them $100 each for my services, and found myself dragged into their car.

They pulled my shirt up and my shorts off. One sucked and bit my tits hard and the other rammed his fist inside my pussy so hard I yelled out in surprise. They slapped my face and told me to open my mouth only to take their black cock. Soon that was shoved down my throat hard. Fucking from both ends I felt my cunt quiver with each orgasm BBC Phone Sex Hadleyand they were not stopping any time soon. I could feel my holes being stretched so wide and they said the first load would not be the last. These two loved calling me a whore and before I knew it, I was being pounded hard from behind. Draped over the front seat with my legs stretched I saw the car door open and a new guy entered. I was unable to object since my mouth was being fucked pretty dam hard with more than one cock. I was just a white trash cum dumpster in this bar parking lot and the more they fucked me the more I wanted. Cock after cock took turns on all my stretched out holes. And by the time I was done I believe I had fucked the whole bar! They laughed at just how much I looked like a slut with all that cum dripping from my face and hair. In the end I made almost a grand, and they drove off leaving me in the parking lot. I looked up and noticed a few guys smoking outside the bar next door. “Time to make some money” I thought, as they approached grabbing their cocks through their pants.Crack Whore Anal Hadley

This Cum Dumpster Cums With A Price

cum dumpster phone sex evonneThe girls brought him home last night. We worked his ass over good, fucking him inside and out. he loved having three hot wet pussies all over him at once. He got more then his monies worth out of my little sluts and the bonus was my hot wet pussy joining in. We were so full of his fucking cum by the end of the night that we really were cum dumpsters. Our cunts were full of it, our bellies were full of it, our asses were over flowing, even our hair was full of his cum. He was so happy that he took us all out to eat breakfast. Stopping at the ATM to get some money I slid up behind him. Seeing the amount of money this old coot really had made me cum right there in my panties. I silently went back to the car, he never even knew I was looking over his shoulder. Sliding into the front seat  I barely gave him time to turn the key before I was bent over and sucking his cock. The girls in the back seat leaned over and kissed his neck and sucked his ears while I worked his cock. All the while purring about how I couldn’t get enough of his dick and what a great lover he was. Wrapping him around my little finger was going to be fun. Milking him dry was going to be easy.