Coke Makes me a complete cum guzzling slut. I will strip naked and want my pussy and ass filled. I swear I am in heat when I get that white magic power up my nose. I just want to fuck for hours and hours getting higher and higher. Yes, I am the ultimate party slut. I will spread my legs for any cock. If your paying you are fucking end of story. I fuck for pleasure but I fuck for dope and cum and most of all money to keep the beautiful cum and coke loving whore you know. I am known as Hardcore Hadley because I will do anything and everything. Everybody knows I am a family fucking gangbang slut and that my pussy is always for sale. I mean the only reason I love dirty phone sex is that I catch so many loads because my callers get off on my dirty life. You know my pussy and ass is dripping cum waiting to tell you how many men I fucked today. Cum Play with HArdcore Hadley baby.
Category: Hooker phone sex
Super Young Hookers for Hire
My little hookers for hire had a huge night last night. They got fucked so hard, I had to keep them out of school today. They could barely walk, and I wanted them to rest up for family time this week. Our two adopted daughters are super young and, on their way, to being sex stars. These precious angels love being part of our family and want to please us. My husband had this international client looking for some young pussy. He was willing to pay handsomely too. He likes to fuck rough. Many years ago, he took my oldest daughter’s virginity. She could barely walk for days, but he paid us enough money that the money he paid, when invested wisely, will pay for her college education. Of course, that was a decade ago and prices have gone up. And, he was getting two young sexy prostitutes at once. These young rescues are set for life, and they can even send some money home to their parents who are in impoverished countries. Demetri has a huge cock and he likes to stretch and gape holes. He is the kind of man that wants a young girl to always remember the damage he did to her holes. Our youngest sweeties will never forget how hard he fucked them. They may have swollen, gaping holes now, but that is nothing my loving mommy mouth can’t soothe.
Almost Didn’t Make It
Some son of a bitch who I thought was safe, because I have been picked up by him before really fucked me up badly. He picked me up as he had every Tuesday night for the last four weeks. He was happy, and we just bullshitted because he mostly just wanted someone to talk to. This night however was very different. His happy faded rather quickly and he started to raise his voice as he was talking about an eviction notice that he found on his door after work today. His ex-wife’s father owns the building that he lives in, and I guess he wanted him out for no other reason then spitefulness. Red flags started to pop up left and right in my brain. I reached into my bag for my weapon and it wasn’t there! Someone must of snatched it at the diner earlier.
I was in a fuck load of trouble, and I knew it. My brain was racing trying to figure out what to do when he slammed on his breaks, got out of the car, came to the passenger side, whipped open my door and dragged me out by my hair. I was screaming and fighting, he tossed me to the ground, I scrambled to get up, but he put his foot in the small of my back and I couldn’t move. He out weighed me by a lot. I was clutching at the dirt, trying to gain a hold on anything I could, I broke several of my nails.
He got on the ground, grabbed my legs and flipped me over. He was ranting and calling me some other woman’s name. I knew that this was going to be so very bad. He slapped me hard across the face, I was stunned for a few seconds. He was between my legs now, cutting at my stockings with a knife. I thought, “This is it Luna, this is how it is all going to end, with you left dead in a dirty vacant lot.” He shoved his dick inside of me. I started to push at him, screaming my name, he just kept on ranting, then he put his hands on my throat.
I could feel the burn in my chest, he had cut off all air. Slowly I saw what looked like a mist take over my sight, I was losing consciousness Then all of a sudden I could breath. I coughed, and gasped for air. I sat up, but then laid back down, I was dizzy. He was sitting on the ground next to me, crying. I didn’t say anything, because I couldn’t, my throat hurt. I got up, stood behind him, he was saying he was sorry, that he didn’t mean it. I kicked that motherfucker hard, in the back of his head, he fell over to one side. I kept kicking him and kicking him. I was now out of breath. I grabbed his pants, and took the keys out of his pocket, ran to his car, and took off.
Did I go to the police? No. Did I go to the hospital? No. Why? Because it was actually partly my fault. I put myself into a situation where there is always a risk of this happening. Am I traumatized by it? Fuck no. Shit happens. Will that asshole get what’s coming to him? Absolutely! Before I took off from the scene I took all the money he had from his wallet, which was a couple thousand, so for about ten minutes of being abused, I made out pretty well.
A Night Off
It was supposed to be my night off. All I wanted to do was go out with my girls. Have some drinks, dance, have more drinks, you know, just have a great time and wake up with a hangover the next day. You know what they say: What ho’s around, cums around. My friends and I were at the bar, drinking shots when I hear someone; who is clearly drunk mind you; bellowing my name. I was ignoring it, but my friends kept telling me that someone was calling me. I told them that I was aware but just to ignore it.
I could hear them getting closer so I told the girls that I wanted to get bottle service and we made our way over to the roped off area of the club. We sat down and waited for the server to come over. Now I could see who was calling my name. It was one of my johns. He was drunk off his ass, and he was waving a twenty dollar bill in the air. My one friend asked me who the hell that was, I told her some guy from the club I work at. My good friends know a lot about me, but they don’t know that I sell my shit on the street sometimes.
He was standing in front of the roped off area and yelling my name. One of the bouncers came over and said something to him. I could see the john pointing at me, then he jabbed the bouncer in the chest with his finger. The bouncer was staying calm, shaking his head no, but the guy was becoming more and more agitated. The whole VIP section was now watching the interaction. My john grabbed the rope, and the bouncer grabbed his arm. Then the john took a swing at the bouncer, which the bouncer easily avoided.
The next thing we knew two other bouncers where behind him, they all picked him up and took him away. He was yelling something about me being a cunt, and how he had money for a blowjob. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to drinking. There were so many questions from my friends, but I pretended that I had no fucking clue what that whole thing was about. Within a few minutes, we were out dancing on the floor, and the whole matter had been forgotten. However, I kept thinking about that twenty dollars and how easy it would be to just go outside and suck his cock and come back inside twenty dollars richer.
Working My Ass Off
I am not sure what the hell was in the air last night. Every single guy who wanted a ‘date’ last night wanted to fuck me in the ass. Dude, I am so god damned sore! I thought for sure I was going to have a prolapse at some point. I’m actually afraid to take a shit! Although, when someone comes in your ass it acts like a dick enema. You have to go almost right after they cum. No lie. I had to fucking squat in the damn alley more than a few times. I like to keep myself clean looking, and clean tasting, but I almost couldn’t manage that last night.
This one guy told me that my ass wasn’t as tight feeling as it was the last time. I told him to shut the fuck up and just finish. I made him pay extra just for saying that. He is fucking a whore for Christ sake. What did he expect? Virgin ass? Yeah, no, good luck finding that out here. Another guy was so high on coke that it took forever for him to cum. He would fuck me, pay me, leave, come back, fuck me, pay me, leave, come back … over and over again, until he finally came. I told him it would be easier just to pay for a hotel room and have me stay with him until he could cum, but he said it was easier for him to do it this way. He said the cops couldn’t catch him that way. Made no sense, but hey what are you going to do.
Today I am sitting here with a sore asshole thinking I might not be able to go back out there. I mean I could, but just make sure there is no anal, just pussy and mouth action. Yeah, I think that is what I am going to do. After all, vacation is right around the corner and I want to go someplace nice.
Seedy motel hooker
I’m at the local seedy motel all night long tonight being the anal cum dumpster that my pimp wants me to be. My dealer came over too and he’s supplying so many fucking drugs for me and my other slutty hooker friends that are here with me. What could be better than a room full of crack whores who are more than willing to do anything and everything for some quick cash?! There is so much sloppy seconds cum loads oozing out of my cunt and dripping into my asshole which is already totally filled up with some fresh creampie. I love when that dealer dick is in my face, I suck that shit until it squirts cum all over my fat tits. My pimp has be blow smoke rings around his cock while my dealer anal fucks me. I’m so fucking high, I can’t feel my damn face!
Working My Way Though New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve is going to be fucking epic! It is one of the biggest money making nights of the year, not only at the club, but out on the streets too. I guess nobody wants to be alone when that clock strikes twelve, or wants to start the new year alone, even if they have to pay for it. I for one do not mind being alone at all. It is the reason I get to make so much bank. I couldn’t do the stuff I do if I had a boyfriend, they would just hold me back.
I went to our local Hustler store and bought a lot of new things to wear. I like to change it up when I am working. I also like to keep clean when I’m working. I make sure my stuff is squeaky clean, it makes me more money in the end. There are some guys though that do like a sloppy wet pussy, full of someone else’s cum, and have a used scent to it. My regulars will drive by once and tell me they will be back in two hours or what have you so that I know not to wash up and they pay me a lot of money not to do so.
I hope you enjoy yours on New Year’s Eve, have some coke, have some booze, have some pussy/cock and just fucking party and forget about the bad shit for at least a little while. Think of me at the club and in the alley helping make people a little less lonely and my bank account a lot fuller.