Sexy prostitutes are busy at the holidays. Men need to give themselves a little treat. Last night my youngest daughter and I entertained a much older man. He had family fantasy. Those are common in this business. He wanted to be the daddy with me as his wife and my daughter as our baby girl. He unwrapped us both. Last night was the night he got to deflower his daughter for the first time. My baby girl could get an Oscar for her performance. She is no longer a virgin. We have sold her virginity a few times, but the truth is daddy took her cherry years ago. Young girls are tight. Plus, daddy and I put a little gelatin tablet full of red dye in her little cunnie. The warmth of her cunt melts it and her lover thinks he popped her cherry. She cried like she was in pain too. Our hired daddy was enjoying his Christmas treat. We spent the night with him. He couldn’t just fuck his daughter and trashy milf wife once. We fucked all night long. We came home with a big bag of cash to buy ourselves Christmas gifts. Daddy was happy to see us, and he didn’t mind one bit we both had sloppy cunts.
Category: Hookers for hire
Teen Sluts Fucking or Teen Sluts Punished
I have a bunch of teen sluts fucking in my house. My sons and daughters fuck me and daddy, their siblings and many older men. My little whores are often good little slaves for whomever wants them. Once in a blue moon, however, I get a disobedient girl who needs a spanking. My sweet cunt licker Melissa was doing so well, but I found out she has been saying no to woman she doesn’t find attractive. She is a whore. If she wants to keep living under this roof and have nice things, she fucks any woman with money. I am her pimp. I have received several complaints from local lesbians that she only wants to play with lipstick lesbians. I had to have a come to Jesus moment with her. I won’t have her insulting clients. A bull dyke’s money is just as welcome as a lipstick lesbian’s money. A good whore makes everyone feel like a king, well in this situation, a queen. She is not too old for mommy to punish. I tossed her over my knees and administered some bare bottom spankings. She was squirming and screaming for mercy before I stopped. Her ass was bright red. The punishment was not over, however. I made her service some disgruntled lesbians for free. She spent hours licking hairy cunts and dirty asses. Now, she knows that money talks. Any paying client, regardless of looks, gets the same service. My sexy prostitutes can’t pick and choose who they fuck. Money is money and they need to make all they can if want to live under our roof.
Being the Bachelor Party Treat
So, I go to this bachelor party looking for some extra cash. They always come extra horny, loaded with cash and looking for some strange. I wear my sexy black lingerie, position myself outside a bedroom door and wait. In no time these fools start lining up. I will happily take their money and show them a good time. One by one they enter the room and I please those horny cocks. I am an expert cock pleaser. I take those cocks and lick them from balls to head. I gently kiss those balls and the head like they have never been kissed. I open my mouth and take them completely down my throat allowing them to fuck my throat as hard as they like, with special attention given with my tongue. My tight little asshole is sure to please, and I enjoy backing my ass right up to them and giving them the best ass sex, they have ever had. My pussy is like a slice of heaven. They enter my slick bald pussy and fuck me so well. I wrap my pussy muscles around their dick bringing them to climax in no time. I will even stick my tongue in their assholes for the right price. After hours of fucking I look at all my cash and realize I was the real winner at this party. I make sure these guys have my number when I leave in case, they would like to schedule another good time with me.
Trashy Milf Lilibeth and Her Sexy Sluts
This trashy milf and madam is happy for the holidays. My young girls are staying busy. My sweet cunt licker Melissa has really stepped up her A game. All the women in town have paid her money, even the married straight ones. She has licked more pussy than an 80-year-old dyke. Her skills are so good, women are coming from other communities to try out the lesbian teen hooker with the magic tongue. She had to ice her jaw after Black Friday because women were flocking to her. She ran a two for one special. Women could either bring a friend or get two tongue lashings for the price of one. It was ingenious. She made more money in one day than she had in the entire month. She is making her quota and then some. I still have my sweet Jasmine we adopted. She is mommy’s little pussy slave. She keeps my other sexy prostitutes in line. Jealousy motivates my others to work harder to please me. Jasmine is a house slave. Mommy’s little sex slave. She has no quota other than to make mommy cum a certain number of times a day. I am home schooling her. Daddy thinks I should get her into the industry because she is a hot piece of ass, but with the twins and Melissa staying so busy fucking, I need someone to take care of me, right? Daddy and I have the most in demand sluts in the state.
A Family of Sexy Prostitutes for the Holidays
Daddy and I and our band of young sexy prostitutes trimmed the tree last night. We are in the holiday spirit early this year. Daddy planned a little celebration with an overseas client who wanted the holiday family experience. He wanted to be daddy with lots of little ones and a sexy wife celebrating Christmas. That was the real reason we put up the tree before Thanksgiving. We were helping to set the stage for Daddy’s rich client fantasy. He was paying a shit ton of money to fuck me and three of our daughters and even one of our sons. His money would pay for our Christmas easily. I had my little slutkins call him Daddy because that was part of the package. We fucked by the fire. My little girls sucked his cock. He fucked our daughters and son. He fucked me too, all under the tree with a fire rolling. We treated him like family. He was loving it. He has a family back in his country, but he doesn’t have a trashy milf like me for a wife. Men who don’t have a wife like me don’t get to fuck their young girls. That is why my husband and I offer the family package to men with money. We made his Christmas fantasy cum true. Maybe we can make yours cum true too?
Live phone sex
“You nasty fucking cunt!” He shoves my face into the dirt, making sure it is open and I am getting mouthfuls of dirt down my throat. He is even holding my nose as I choke and choke. I am dying on the sand he is making me breathe in, but he doesn’t want to end me there. The fun for him has only gotten started. He stops in time to let me catch my breath before dragging me over to a giant bucket of water. “Die bitch.” He whispers in my ear as he shoves me underwater. I am panicking, flailing around desperately as he holds me down and as everything starts to fade into blackness. The end is near. I wake up and I am tied with my hands above me, as I hang there I try to remember what happens. I don’t have enough time alone before he is back. ”Did you really think I would let you go out that easy you fucking stupid whore?” He slaps me across my face. But instead of stopping he just keeps hitting me, beating me over and over as I pour blood. He is degrading me, telling me I am about to die like the whore I am. And this time I think he’s right.