White trash phone sex is what I was born to do. I have been drinking cum since before I was talking. I have been sucking dick more than half my life. I was a school girl when I got my first cock. My first blowjob got me paid too. I was my mother’s hooker assistant because when men found out she had a little girl in the house, they wanted nothing more than to pay for my involvement. My mom tried to shelter me from her lifestyle, but I was fascinated by it. I was even turned on by it before I even really understood what was going on. Fucking is fun. Cum is delicious. And being a nasty freak is what I am good at. It is what I was born to do. I raised my son and daughter in an open home. They saw me fucking and sucking for food and drugs. They watched me be a gangbang whore to keep the lights on. They even watched me masturbate as I got high because I love to be watched. My son and daughter were like me when I young. The more they saw, the more they wanted to see. It wasn’t too long before we were fucking. I never fucked my mother or my daddy, but I raised my little ones by myself and my son had a big dick and my daughter like to suck it. I figured if she could suck his dick, she could lick my pussy. I passed on my trailer trash gene to by daughter and my son. We are a kinky, trashy family. We enjoy partying and fucking. I don’t have a respectable bone in my body, but guess what? I don’t want one because being a trailer trash whore is so much more fun than being respectable woman.
Tag: trailer trash whore
Born for White Trash Phone Sex
Dirty Phone Sex Tales
Dirty phone sex is the only kind. I have callers like I have clients who just want to share in my dirty life. John is a john lol. He has been paying for my body for over a decade now. He has never wanted my brats. John is my husband’s age, so he is like 25 years my senior. His dick doesn’t work like it used too. He enjoys as foreplay listening to some of the shit that happened to me as a young girl. He doesn’t want to fuck a young girl, but he does enjoy hearing about how they have been mistreated. We don’t mistreat our brats. Sure, they are our sexy prostitutes, but they have agency to decide who they want to fuck. I had no agency. My life was a Lifetime movie. My youngest memory was being chained inside a little trailer behind a double-wide trailer. I didn’t even live in the same trailer with my folks. I never went to school. I barely talked. I lived in squalor in a fucking shack. I just waited until a man came in and fucked me. My mother brought me food and I would do my business in a coffee can. I don’t think neighbors knew I even existed. There was no love. There were no holidays or family celebrations. I was a prisoner. I was a cash cow. I was a sex slave. The more I talked about my sad upbringing, the harder John’s dick became. He felt bad about being aroused by my experiences, but I have been telling my stories to men like him and my husband for decades. The only thing that is the same about me is that I still like to fuck for money and I still like to get high. I like a man who likes a dirty trailer trash whore.
A line for fifi
I was raised by my trailer trash whore mother. From a very young age, I learned that the quickest way to a man’s wallet was through his cock. This knowledge fuels my drug addiction. I love sucking huge black cocks. That’s what my dealer and his friends have anyway. I regularly let them use my mouth as a Fifi with no regard of me gagging. They normally line up for me so I can suck them all off. The only requirement I have is a fat bag with a band by the time the night is through. But of course, they feed me huge lines off of their dicks which I gladly tooted quickly. I may be just another whore to them but they are good fucking time for me.
Dirty Phone Sex at a High Society Event
I have a dirty phone sex story for you. I got drunk last night at some fancy wine tasting event. I didn’t fit in with the crowd, but I won a couple for tickets, so I took my daughter. Personally, if I had an extra $300 lying around I would have bought coke not tickets to taste overpriced sugar water. My daughter and I looked like trailer park whores compared to the other folks there. The men were gawking at us and the women were giving us those disapproving looks. We just ignored the bitches, drank free wine and flirted with the men who gave us attention. What man doesn’t prefer a trashy milf over a stuck-up cunt? Everyone knows a woman like me gives better head and takes it up the ass. I drank a lot of overpriced sugar water which made me horny as fuck. This one married dude was all over us both like a cheap suit. I assumed if his wife was there he wouldn’t be hitting on us. Usually the high-class folks have a better system of cheating than blatantly flirting in front of their wives. I thought he was there with buddies or something, so when he said he wanted to fuck my ass, I didn’t think we would get busted by his wife. He tried to blame the wine when he was caught in the middle of hardcore anal sex with a stranger. She was pissed. She was calling me a skank and a whore, and slapping him against the head, but he kept fucking my ass. This wasn’t the typical place for a dirty whore to fuck. Only my daughter and the guy who was fucking me were amused at the free sex show. Someone called the police. His cum was oozing out my ass by the time they showed up. I will never go to a high society event like that again even if it is free. But, I will fuck that stuck up bitch’s husband again. He made the entire thing fun.
Trailer Trash Whore
Being a trailer trash whore is a lot of work. You need to do the shit other women won’t do, which means taking a lot of cum and fucking a lot of cocks. I want people talking about me, so I am not discreet. My husband has a job where my dirty antics only make him more sought out. His reputation is tainted by his slut wife, but he loves it because it brings him lots of paying clients who want to fuck his wife and daughters. The dirtier I am, the more people talk, and the more certain kinds of men seek out his services because of me. I had a gang bang the other night. Not the typical kind of gang bang either. There were more four legged boys than 2 legged boys humping my trashy ass. I was high as fuck. Super high. This guy offered me money to do his best friend. I don’t need the money, but it was hot to take something I didn’t need just to do something freaky. I got on all fours and played a game of guess who’s cock was up my ass. Hot damn, I was feeling furry dicks and throbbing man cocks in and out of my asshole. This dude was filming my furry gang bang. I knew when the film got out my husband’s stock would go up and it did. As soon as folks were talking about his whore wife, men were calling for his business just to be close to me through him. Turns out my little furry friend gang bang tripled my husband’s business. Everyone wants to work with a man who has a hot whore wife. I am already booked for some private gigs with some of his new clients who want a chance to be next to a trashy milf.
Hardcore anal sex for me
I was working at this new strip club and I knew if I wanted to make my way to the main stage and be a featured pole whore I would have to do some sucking up to the boss. I went ahead and got his attention. I asked him if I could do anything to advance my placement and get more hours during the busy jam packed hours. I saw the grin on his face and he immediately reminded me that I should be happy I even get the hours I get. I haven’t even given him a hand job and I have landed a gig stripping at one of the most prominent clubs in the whole state.
I immediately told him if I could give him a blowy to boost my hours. He laughed so hard he turned red. “That’s boring sweetie you can do better” I didn’t want to fuck him but it seemed like wanted to stuff me with his cock. I was skived out but knew that he wanted that. I told him I’d give him my twat for the night. He assured me he wanted me to be his hardcore anal sex slut for the night too. I ended up being his cum bucket and ass slut. I did get what I wanted in the end I only had to give my holes up for the night. I did get some sweet coke to sweeten the deal too.
Just Your Average Cum Dumpster Stripper
“Hadley You cum dumpster bitch where you been!?” It was my Biker Hookup Wayne. He hadn’t seen me in weeks as my dealer “E” was having major summer nose snow parties. I know I had been neglecting my biker bar dicks. Wayne came to the stage and was throwing money and coping feels through my set. I leaned down and told him I promised I would be by soon. I danced and even had Wayne meet me in the VIP area for a free lapdance that ended in a throaty blowjob and a mouthful of cum for me. I ended up leaving early to meet Wayne and his buddies for a pool table fuckathon. My pussy loves that coke they rub on her before those white bull cocks and a couple BBC are plowed through her all night long. Pool sticks sometimes replaced the Dicks in my ass or twat I don’t mind whatever gets me some cum loads deep inside and opened up wide. I love being a high little trailer trash whore for my biker boys. Maybe I’ll hit the truck stop up tomorrow.
My Daughter The Fisting Whore
Do you like a fisting whore? I do. My oldest daughter is one. She can fist her own cunt. In fact, when she was super young, she shoved all sorts of things up her cunt. One time I caught her giving a show to the neighbor boys. She was charging them $10 a piece to watch her fist her own pussy. She had a natural talent for freaky sex at an early age. I was forced to be a hooker by my meth head parents. My daughter wants to be a whore. She was born for it. She sucked on daddy’s dick so much as a wee thing that she couldn’t go to asleep without daddy’s dick in her mouth. I am so proud of my teen whore. She has made quite a creative income with weird insertions in her cunt and ass. She is in high demand with daddy’s clients because she can take a huge cock in both her holes and she loves gang bangs and trains. The original plan was for her to go to college, but she wants to be a porn star or a high-end escort. Her skills do lie more in that department. Books were never her thing. I think you can be a trailer trash whore and a college graduate, but her daddy and I want her to follow her dreams. College is overrated anyway. I never even went to high school and I turned out okay. My daughter will be legal soon, so she can do what she wants. She told me today that she has lined up a gang bang with a porn studio to film her first legal gang bang. It will be called 18th Birthday Gangbang. I am so proud of her initiative. She is getting paid enough to pay for 4 years of college outright if she ever decides to go. She is smart to sell her body for money. Sex pays the bills better than political science.
Skanky White Trash Worthless Whore
I am what others would call a skanky worthless white trash hoe. I am well known to fuck anybody and furry friends. I laugh at these people making these comments. They think they are hurting my feelings or going to shame me to change my ways. HA! That is what I say to those ass wipes. I love, love, love the comments! Those type of comments makes my cunt soak and throb for dick. And if I can’t find any dick anywhere I will take a tree limb to slam into my cunt. I will find a baseball or a 2-liter bottle to fuck. I will shove anything in my cunt I can fit in there to satisfy my craving for dick.