Category: Hookers for hire

Trash To Cash

Trailer trash whoreI don’t care if you call me white trash. I am a freaky bitch who loves to fuck and get money. I mean, I am white and I do live in a trailer so you could say the name fits well. All types of men come over at different times of the day, they use me as their Cum dumpster, Creampie slut the list goes on and on. In return, they give me money. I love to fuck so why not get money for something I love to do. I remember one man wanted me to get on the top of my washing money. He told me I was a dirty fucking whore who needed a good cleaning. I ain’t gonna lie, that man showed me a good time. I got on top of my washing machine. I told him how I was such a dirty fucking whore and I needed a good cleaning. As soon as those words escaped from my mouth, this mans cock bulged out right through his zipper. He jumped right on that washing machine, got over me and stuck his cock deep down my throat. He fucked my throat for a good five minutes then BAM his warm cream escaped from him. I could feel his cream ooze right down my throat. Then he took his wet cock out and started giving me a good golden shower all over my face. He told me to keep my mouth wide open and let the wet gold run down my throat to clean up all his thick cream. Once he cleaned my throat out, we got up and he turned on the washing machine. He told me he wanted to see me take a bath in the machine. I spent 15 minutes washing my body in a washing machine while this man just stared in amazement. We both had a great time and I can’t wait to be a dirty white trash whore for him again.

Payback Pussy

gangbang whore

Unfortunately, I’ve been so so behind in all of my bills. A coked up cheer whore like me prefers to spend my money on coke and parties! Why would I spend my money on something stupid like bills! Well, I guess it bit me in the ass because I got a notice that my cell phone was going to be shut off. How else am I supposed to call up my coke dealer? Being a resourceful hoe like always, I decided to make some quick cash for the cell phone bill! I posted up a hot ad on BackPage and got so many hits. Now I was months behind on my bill so one or two johns wasn’t gonna cut it. I invited everyone that responded to my ad and had them all fuck me at once. All they had to do was pay at the door and they had absolute free use of my raw wet holes. Phone bill was paid in full and I even had extra for some good coke!

For the Love of Snow

prostitution pornI don’t prostitute my body all the time but when I do it is because I am low on my favorite drug. Coke helps bring the real freaky slut whore out of me. When I feel the powder shooting up my nose running down the back of my throat like warm cum from a hard cock, I feel like I am that freaky ass whore who can handle being gang banged by 5 meaty thick black cocks. I have a special room I go to when I need to sell my body for my special snow. I put an ad out online letting the new and old know it is time to make me their slutty cum-whore. I lay in the bed all day waiting for the men to enter and do what they want with me. I have no rules, they can fuck whatever hole they please. If they want me to lick their ass, swallow their farts, give me a golden shower, I am down for all of that. Hell, one older man paid me a months’ worth of snow just to fuck me non-stop in my asshole for 5 hours straight. I am proud to be a druggy prostitute slut. I love that I am honest with myself. I rather be a druggy little whore, it’s a lot better than being a fake ass bitch.

Erotic city

cum filled cunt

Cum filled cunt is what I love having. I spent a crazy week in the erotic city. It was Sin City to be exact. I made me to north vegas where I worked a few of the brothels just for kicks and giggles. I enjoyed all the fun that was coming my way. You only live once so make it count. That has always been my mindset. I have never had a bad day after fucking. So I never stop. I make it my mission to get boned and used all kinds of men. As long as you have a working dick and can deliver a cum shot you are golden. I had about twenty different men in that period. I even had some public sex. I surely was being a whore in broad daylight. I was breaking the rules and having fun. Hooking is legal in Nevada but hooking in public isn’t. I don’t follow the rules so I had some of the johns use me in the park. I could be care less if families would see me. I was so horny and high; I loved extra pairs of eyes. My asshole was sore, and my cunt was aching, but I still wanted more.  I solidified my status as a complete slut, and I wear that title proudly. I am a real anal sex whore for life.

anal sex whore

Hot Stripper Sex Story

hot stripper sexI have a hot stripper sex story to tell you. I was hired to be the stripper at a boy’s birthday party. Not a man’s party, but a boy’s party. His daddy hired me. It was not a big party. Just his dad, a few of dad’s friends, his older brother and a few school friends. The dad is friends with my husband and knows what kind of lifestyle I lead. I am happy to strip for any young boy. Buying hookers for their sons is a right of passage in wealthy families. It is not common knowledge, or talked about in polite society, but I have been a hired trashy milf before to turn a boy into a man. It is always hot for me to be a boy’s first pussy. I like ruining boys for girls their own age. I did a sexy striptease for the lads and their jaws all dropped. None of them had seen a sexy bitch like me naked before. Well, not naked in real life, just on Internet porn. I fucked the birthday boy first, but when he was done, I did his friends and made the adult men get the sloppy seconds. They didn’t mind. I could have a gallon of spunk inside me and no man passes on this pussy. This birthday party must be one of the best I have ever attended. I came home to my family a sloppy cum mess.

Anal Sex Whore Rhiana

anal sex whoreI have a confession. I am an anal sex whore. I love cock in my ass. Last night, I got super drunk and high and ended up selling my ass for party money. A friend of mine is a GFE escort. She said guys pay extra for anal sex. I love shoving things in my ass like beer bottles and cocks, so why not make some money off it, right? I am not as sophisticated as my friend, but guys will still pay for a skanky whore’s ass. I mean you would, right? I am cute still. Partying hasn’t turned me into Lindsay Lohan yet. I went this dive bar near me. I walked right into the back room, got on top of the pool table and told the old drunks in the bar that my ass was up for grabs for $50 a Fuck. They swarmed to form a line. I was drunk and high, so it numbed me from the fact that I was being gang banged by dirty old men in a scuzzy bar. My friend was likely banging one handsome man in a high-end hotel making 10 times what I would. But, she is a high class girl born on the right side of the tracks and I am just a trailer trash whore with a drug problem.

Druggy Porn Star

druggy pornI think I was born to be a druggy porn star. I was strung out last night. In desperate need of a fix, I went to the street corner to pimp out my own ass. I was among fellow skanks, so I knew I might do well since I was fresh meat. I don’t always hook, but sex sells and it’s a quick way to get money for crack. I wasn’t hustling my ass much longer than an hour when this dude pulled up and asked me how much for anal. I just need $150, so I said $200 thinking for the downtown area it might me too much and he would settle for what I needed. It wasn’t too much. He pulled out a stack of $50s and told me he would double it if I let his young son fuck my ass too. A daddy and a son up my ass? Fuck, even sober that sounded hot. I got in his SUV and we drove around to the truck stop. I hopped in the back seat and him and junior pounded my ass for a solid thirty minutes. I was his son’s first anal experience. I guess school girls don’t give up the booty. I give up anything that gets me the means to get high. With a couple loads of sperm up my ass, I called my dealer and told him I had his money. That is when he told me, he had some friends who would pay to fuck my skanky ass too. Hmm, I didn’t need to be an anal sex whore again, but with a habit like mine, you can never have enough money.

I love being a druggy whore

druggy pornI love being a druggy whore. I will do anything for a fix. Anything. I was at the strip club last night when some rowdy townies came in. They aren’t the big spender GFE type. They were vulgar, which as a trailer trash slut, I don’t mind. I was surprised they paid for the VIP room, but I was glad they did because they had some great blow. They had a lot more to give me but there was a catch. They wanted to hook up after my shift. I agreed because good blow is good blow. They lived in the trailer park I grew up in. Their trailer doubled as a meth lab. I was in trouble. Not sure what I was going to do. I needed free coke because the rent was due soon. I should have known they were nasty freaks. They wanted me to fuck their furry friend. I am a junkie druggie slut. I did not say no to their best friend. I did a line of coke and got on all fours. Their hairy friend mounted me from behind and shoved his red rocket inside my pussy. The dudes were laughing and stroking their dicks. They jacked off on my face and their four legged beast nutted his gooey cream inside me. Funny, not the worst thing I have ever done for blow.

Coked Up Cheerleader Gram

phone sex line

Valentine’s Day was the perfect day to get business! My cheer squad and I decided to bring in a little extra coke cash by selling our tight holes. We all were coked up and ready to fuck for some cold hard cash. Setting up a hot Backpage Ad was easy as fuck and soon we had tons of customers calling in to request our services. The girls and I were called to a huge corporate office in our sluttiest uniforms. We were escorted into a giant conference room with a lot of horny business men eagerly waiting for our teen coked up pussy. The whole conference table had lines of coke and booze waiting for us and we got to business! We snorted coke off of all their cocks and rode them like the teen sluts we are. It was a hot coke fueled orgy! I was so fucked up, I ate my friend’s pussy while two of the clients double penetrated my used holes. We left with a sizeable coke stash and holes pumped full of cum!

Teaching My Young Girls to Love Being an Anal Sex Whore

anal sex whoreI have been an anal sex whore for decades. It started when I was a young girl. I was a hooker for my parents. They rented me out to men passing through town. Some of the men only wanted my ass. Now, my ass was taken many times before, but I was either too young or too doped up to remember it. This time, I remembered it. It was not gentle, but then none of the men were gentle, except for my now husband and maybe a couple others. The men were paying for sex with a jailbait trailer park whore. Gentle, vanilla sex was not on their minds. This one time, the smack wore off and I felt it. I liked it. It was the first orgasm I had. Ever since then, I have enjoyed hardcore anal sex. I am teaching my youngest girls how to enjoy their pretty little pink holes too.  Today we had a masturbation lesson. One of my newest angels is from Africa and a sexy Nubian princess. Her little butthole looks bright pink in comparison to her little blonde and white sister. They are both super young, but never too young to learn the joys of anal sex. Seriously, ass sex is so much fun, and I love instilling that fun into my girls. Daddy came home and found his youngest daughters with little dildos in their asses and smiles on their faces. I bet you know what happened next, don’t you?