Tag: Black girl phone sex

Anal sex whore Alyssa’s Bottom Bitch Dream

Anal sex whore     Ghost had me feigning again he would take a little bit of that sweet devil then give me more so I would be out there on the street handling  business.  Damned if he cared about the piss and shit that was all over my body he wanted to get paid and that was it. That’s where I caught myself today trying to keep warm in an local  area McDonald’s before heading back out. If Ghost knew I was just in there trying to get a break there would be hell to pay! I was shivering now and the sweat was trickling down my face and I knew that my next move was going to cost me but I didn’t care. Ghost’s crew was all over the neighborhood and it would only take a call from one of them to just crack my fucking neck!

     I saw the car pull up and was happy it might be another client for the night. I was trying real hard to get that money for Ghost. At one point I had even tried to shove a few bucks deep in my asshole to try o save something for myself, but he would just take his long rod and pull it out of me.  He some how knew it was hiding it in my ass. My cunny was bleeding and I was cramping real bad when you showed up! I had managed to call you and my little cunny was aching and sore you were going to take care of this little ho’s needs for cock! Pulling me up to my feet you put me back in the car and fucked me up real bad! You said it was a turn on to see my little cunny in the air and that glass dick in my mouth. I was going to get it I was sure and take you to the next level. You were high and so was I but the gleam in your eyes was saying I am going to fuck you until dawn. I was your nigger slut and whore but  you didn’t realize it yet.  I was soon going to be your bottom bitch!