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Bartender, I really did it this time as a drunk girl fucking…

Drunk Girl Fucking

For the record, drunk pussy is better than sober pussy. Reason is because I know I can take big ass dicks in any hole I have. Kinda of a talent, not gonna lie. Especially when I’m the drunk girl fucking ya.

Like, getting an enema of alcohol to start the night out is always fun. Keeping it in as long as I can before expelling it. Feeling that nice buzz getting going. Probably the best way to clean out to as you gotta do it anyways. Two birds one stone kind of deal.

But also, keep on drinking while getting nice and sloppy. Give everyone a show while I’m at it. Be that one girl who becomes smashed and just starts to suck off any guy she can. Or just throw my puss around and see how many dudes I can take at one time.

Either way, it’s blissful. Keeps my cunt nice and at the ready.

Sex, Drugs, and Sorority Girls Fucking


Sorority Girls Fucking

My sorority sisters know how to throw one hell of a party. Cause most of the time it does end up in me and my sorority girls fucking. Cause the guys just can’t keep up with these bitches. That’s why we all home girls.

Like, the party always goes okay till around a certain time when these assholes start getting whiskey dick. These dudes be trying to duffle bag their dicks into our fuck holes. And then think that it’s a “stellar performance” from their bros. Who are just as “alpha” with their one pump magic.

See, these bitches I roll with know how to handle shit. We got toys that come out, when these dude bros can’t even satisfy a house wife. My body wands, vibrators, dildos… all those have more reliability anyways. Plus we get high as fuck when we start to play.

Everything we can do. Shrooms, X, coke, fucking Molly. All of em.

Makes it that much better.

Plus, it’s always a treat for us to get to eat each other out like that. Keep that fountain of youthful pussy going. Send me out of this world with me cumming so hard, they call the police cause people think you’re trying to kill me.


Fly with these red wings in Period Phone Sex

Period Phone Sex

So I know you nasty fuckers out there know that behind this phone, there is definitely a woman there. Who has a uterus. And we all know that there is a certain time of month that some men won’t even consider touching a woman. Because… ew? It’s doing the nasty thing again…

But Period Phone Sex while I’m sailing that red tide? My gawd. It’s a sex that hits different. Like, I’m already wet. And things just slide around in my ketchup cup a lot longer too. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

And think of this. Cool vampire role play while you’re getting ready to nom on your favorite food group. (That’s me btw 😉 ) You can think of it as going for a yummy cupcake that’s filled with strawberry preserves. And if it’s a bit extra “chunky”? Meh, that’s like coco beads from a Boba Tea.

If that part bothers you a little though, use your dick as a stir stick and make it a bloody cum slushy.

All I’m saying is I have mad respect to the men who take one for the team. Get that zombie mustache going, and just nom nom nom motha fuckas 


Young Teen Phone Sex all wrapped in a bow

Young Teen Phone Sex

Well, well, well, look who we’re talking about today – the infamous teen trailer park trash who’s been making waves in their little community. Now, I’m not one to judge, but let’s just say they’ve been keeping themselves quite busy. Having my holes blown out is a hobby at this point.

Like, taking a dude’s gear shift in the back of a 93 Civic that’s been modded. Or sucking on some girls peach pit in her mawmaw’s bed. Also taking one in the boot, and one in the coot. I just gave it out most of the time like it was candy at Halloween.

One particular time I was caught with the pastor’s son. He was mid way through explaining how he was gonna ruin my uterus, treating it like the punching bag it was. And of course I was just moaning like a little cum whore because that shit hits hard. Had to convince Daddy dearest to join in with the temptation of tasting Eden’s garden.

And no… it wasn’t fruit he was eating 😉 That apple got bit the minute he said yes.


It’s a hell of a show with Hooker Phone Sex

Hooker Phone Sex

Okay, so before I became a PSO, I was hooking. And I was a sloppy one at that. With how many college guys who’d rented my fuck huts out, you’d think it was a mansion of an Air BnB. Even did some shit that was “questionable” by moral codes of normies.

Like taking two dicks at once in the boot. Stretching out that hole while I was hoped up on coke (cause I’m that ho), and letting them run a train through my tunnels. They paid me well for it, and I’d give em a show. Might have done a “special show” one time.

Had a special friend showed up to the party one time. Will say his first name was Jack. Last name Ass. And we were in for a bit of a burro spectacle of a time. Cause his cock was of epic horse sized proportions.

With my ass already poking up in the air, he mounted me like a bull mounts it’s bitch of the moment. Stretching every part of my pink butterfly out, I started to push back into him so we could match tempo. His cock was so big it was pushing past the back wall of my pussy, and reaching into my womb.

He came, with force. It leaked everywhere out of my orifice, making me have my own earth shattering pleasure time. And I just kept going, as with his type, he tended to stay pretty hard after cumming like that.

Someone did make me squat on a cup and drink the contents that leaked out of where Mr Ed left his deposit. Tasted like hay…

Druggy Phone Sex with the side effects of cumming

Druggy Phone Sex

Sex on drugs. They tell you to never do it. I beg to differ.

Cause sex is just sex. Anyone can do it. But sex while you’re higher than senator’s socks has a different feel. It’s different with each drug too.

Like weed. Weed must makes everything feel better. For when your making pound cake in the fuck oven, or when you wanna give her your fully creamed cannoli. Cause you know that bitch is gonna get the munchies anyways.

Not a stoner? Get some of that booger sugar and snort on up. Coke makes me just edge out those orgasms. Keeping my pussy wet the entire time. Plus I end up taking more risks with my other fuck hole.

Ecstasy takes a special place in my heart, as it’s my drug of choice. Pop a pill or two of that and put some lube down. And just roll in that. Touching every part of your body, touching mine. Playing with the mud flaps of my cunt, I get to stroke your fuck stick.

Drugs just make everything better.


Masturbate with me in Young Teen Phone Sex

Young Teen Phone Sex

First time I masturbated by myself was a magical moment. I got a toy from a friend who was extremely sexual. Never really had an orgasm achieved by myself at the time. And heard so much about it.

Working that toy on my teen pussy was amazing. Feeling that little vibrator flick my bean and making my pussy wet. Pushing it into my fuck hole and hitting all those right spots to get me to squirt.

Once I actually came, it was a pretty hard one. Legs shaking and such. But I couldn’t stop. I wanted more. So after cumming, I started to put my finger in my hole while using the vibrator on the clit.

Again, squirted like a champ. I could have made Olympic Medal distance with how far it shot across the room. Which, became a hobby so to speak.

Glad I did that when I did at that young of an age. Because now I have command over my meat oven. So those who present their feast are always left sated.

Fucking for drugs in some White Trash Phone Sex

White Trash Phone Sex

So sometimes a ho has to fuck her drug dealer to get what she wants. Let him blow smoke up your fuck chimney and let him clean it back out with is dick sweeper. Cause gaht damn it, getting high is a need in this economy.

So usually just starts out with us just chilling, popping a few pills and smoking some really dank weed. However, I get horny when high. So I just start playing with my crotch waffle hoping he’s high enough to have the munchies. And maybe has an appetite for what I have cooking.

After he’s had some of my pussy juice go down his face, he sticks his smoking hot dick in my mouth for a taste. And I proceed to let him just fuck his favorite cock holster. Using my hair as the handle to guide for the best angle he wanted.

Eventually I just push him off my face, and just hide his fuck stick in my purple people penis eater. Wiggle that baby around in there to make him cream all on the inside. Letting it ooze out of it’s mouth for me to clean up.


Wanna be my cum dealer in Druggy Phone Sex?



Druggy Phone Sex

Weed just makes sex better. Makes that dick feel nice. Gives that pussy a reason to pop off with the squirts. And makes everything just feel that much better.

Because I know when I’m zooted off some Purple Haze, I will start touching whatever genital is around me. Yours or mine, my hand just roams. It’s looking for something to play with. Wants to be an Idol Hand is just give pleasure to someone.

Hopefully, your hand roams too while flying the clouds of Mary Jane. Touching my pussy, titts, ass, inside my holes. Filling them up and hearing me moan like a cum whore as you pump a few of those out of me.

While finger fucking me, I do like going for the cock and sucking it. Just growling with it in my mouth as you keep my pussy wet. Finger fucking me till I’ve coated your arm in my juices.

And the fucking beautiful thing is we haven’t even made you cum yet. Which I love happening in my pussy when this high. The feeling of it leaking out after you’ve abused my fuck hole with your cock. And blow your own type of smoke into it for me to suck out later.

Stripper Sex stories that will give your dick wings

Stripper Sex Stories

The pole, where I pop my pussy the most on is the dance pole. No, not your dick. If I were to try to pop my puss like that on it, that would hurt. I’m talking about that stripper pole.

So one of the stripper sex stories I have is where I was giving a private showing to some frat guys. Looking cute, cunt nice and shave, I danced for them while they were all stroking their dicks like cocking a pump action shot gun. They loved seeing me doing splits and such, as you could see my tits bouncing out of the bottom of my shirt.

And I’m pretty talented at holding myself into a good position, so I let these guys abuse my cunt. It was all nice at wet at that point from a few of the guys just dumping their load off on my folds. Makes great lube for both holes.

The fucking session that proceeded to happen was just so good. Having so many guys to fuck at once, I never got a break for any of my holes. And so much cum was leaking from every orifice of my body that I looked very similar to fresh glazed donuts. And I made sure to lap up every bit of that sweetness, so nothing goes to waste.

Stripper pole should be a requirement in every house. You miss out on so many missed opportunities when you don’t fly with the butterflies ever so often.