Have you ever gotten so god damn drunk you just do not remember what the fuck happened?
I did not believe my bitches when they told me how drunk I got.
I mean it was a normal night, whoring myself around town.
I sold my dick, my ass and my mouth for money, drugs even some drinks.
I was faded by the time I hooked up with Joel.
Joel was a fucking freak who I had stopped fucking.
He shoved a critter up my ass once when I was half dead.

Any way my girls logged onto fb and showed me some fucked up videos.
There I was, Sucking a fat knotted cock.
I had it all in my mouth just choking on that big fat knotted dick and then it stops as soon as it exploded in my fucking mouth.
The next video was even weirder!!
I was fucking a giant watermelon.
Screaming I was going to making some some melon babies!!
I was drunk, fucked up and now my ass is sore…
What else am I going to find?