Gangbang Whore for Teen Boys

gangbang whoreI am a gangbang whore. Not just for my family either. I get paid by wealthy clients to take as many cocks as possible. I have yet to hit the too many cocks for me milestone though. I have been servicing cocks since before I could walk. I will be servicing them when I am old and broke-down too. Luckily for me, that is decades away. I love being a whore. Most of the time, rich old men hire me for their sons and their friends. Maybe occasionally for a holiday party or special occasion too. Summer is here and boys are out of school, but the whore business is still booming. One of our wealthiest patrons hired me this weekend. He is a frequent flyer for the young sexy prostitutes we have to offer. He wanted me this time, but not for him. His young grandson and his friends are going to camp for the summer. First time he will be away from his family. Every family has traditions and in this one it is a tradition to get the boys a whore before summer camp. This guy pays well, so I do not judge. Who am I to judge anyway? I love fucking young boys and I am the madam of a home brothel. I spent all of Saturday at this guy’s lake house. More like a mansion. There were 20 boys. Twenty!!! My pussy got wet seeing those cute horny boys. I was told they were all virgins. The most virgins I have done in a night until Saturday was four. This was a record for me, but this trashy milf was ready to turn some boys into men before summer camp. I had to teach them all a few things, but they took direction well. And I took their cock and cum well. It might be my best gang bang yet. That was certainly more boys than I have ever had in a night even at my home! I love making young boys into studs.


    • Arch on June 1, 2022 at 10:59 am
    • Reply

    Thanks for the call, hun. It was great.

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