The Fuck Show

Stripper sex stories

Hope you enjoy stripper sex stories cause I got to tell someone about my show Monday night. It was wild! Obviously, our place isn’t the high-class strip joints that have super strict rules, hell most of us girls make our money providing “extra” services. We are also cheap sluts so our little rundown strip joint attracts all sorts of clientele. Well, it was my turn on the stage, prepared to do my usual strip and grind on the pole. Then a new guy came in and waved a wad of cash at me and I crawled out to him with my tits hanging down, making my nipples touch the sweat-covered platform. 

He pulled my hair to whisper in my ear “Let me fuck you here and now, and it’s all yours”. Smiling I waved the bounce and asked him to hold on to my cash, with a promise of a slice for turning a blind eye. Pulled up my new favorite customer up onto the stage dancing my ass all over him while he got hard and pulled out his cock. Thick, fat 9-incher rubbing all over my juicy red pussy while I moaned. The stage had lookers all around, and the money piled up on the stage. They loved seeing my holes probed and stretched by his cock shouting out requests about where he should cum. Ultimately there was overwhelming support for him to nut in my ass, when he pulled out I bent over and let the onlookers watch the cum dripping out my gaped ass. It certainly was one hell of a finale!

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