PMommy Whore Friday Night Gangbang

Phone Sex Line

Believe it or not, I do more than work the phone sex line and the streets. It was Friday night, and I stood outside of some run down farmhouse in the middle of jabumblefuck nowhere. My seven inch black pumps were imprinting the mud beneath my feet. The rest of me was just fishnets, a small black lace skirt, and a crop top that showed off my huge tits. I was on the prowl for some fresh meat.I fuck a lot for money, I suck a lot of cock for my drug addictions, but I rarely get to fuck around for my own pleasure.

I was taking this opportunity; and I had even brought my eldest daughter with me. She was a sexy teen in a tiny white outfit that screamed and begged to have her innocence ruined. The party was jumping, and we found drinks and a blunt to share in no time. It was hot, and the humidity had everyone in as little as possible. My sweet girl and I stripped down too. I kept just my fishnets and heels on, and coaxed my daughter to do the same.

We were quickly surrounded by an influx of cocks, and sexy slick men stroking them. My daughter and I are cocksucking professionals in real life and during live phone sex, so the lines formed and we swallowed load after load. You won’t believe this, but from the drugs and alcohol in the cum of these delicious treats we were getting fucked up. Some guys got tired of waiting in line, and came to use our fuck holes simultaneously.

Live Phone Sex
Fuck yeah me and my young daughter got fucked like the trailer trash whores that we are. She learned an absolutely valuable lesson that night; all worn and no fun makes for a dull life. Oh, she also learned she squirts all over from her hot young cunt when she gets fucked in her little pink asshole. We have another party tonight, want to tag along?

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