Live Phone Sex: Anything Can Happen

live phone sex

Live phone sex means anything can happen. Last night, I was home alone. That almost never happens. I was partying and taking calls late. I had this one guy who just wanted some one to party with. I get it. I do not judge. I like talking to high men because their true self comes out. Same can be said for women. It is that coke or whatever your drug of choice may be lowers your resistance. You speak more freely. This guy was not home alone. He moved back home after the pandemic to help his folks out. We got to talking and he admitted he called me because I am a trashy milf who fucks her sons. He revealed his longings for his mommy’s pussy. Incest thoughts lurk in us all somewhere. I told him how I came to be the son fucker I am and gave him some tips on how to be a mother fucker. He added Fireball into his mix and that liquid confidence, made him bold. He was whispering. But I understood he was going into his sleeping mother’s room, naked with his cock out. The plan was just to jack off and look at her for a few. Maybe, steal a pair of dirty panties. His father takes Ambien at night and would sleep through a bombing he said. I was quiet, but I was speaking to him on an earpiece so no one could really hear me. He was so fucked up. He ended up cumming on his mother’s sleeping face. She woke up and I heard yelling from a woman. I think I heard something break too, LOL. We got disconnected. I was hoping to hear back from him, but I think his mother did not respond like he hoped. It was still hot for me to be along for the ride even if it ended abruptly. With druggy phone sex, anything can happen.

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