I’m giving him my girls so he can fuck them


hookers for hire

I’m giving him my girls so he can fuck them. My new husband loves hookers for hire and chose my girls and me to come along and live with him. I love pimping out my tots, and now that I am a wife, I will be his breeding whore consistently high and giving him that young cunt he so is desperate for and craves.

I’m so into p cocks and doing so many drugs. My clit needs cock, and it must be fucked by all the drug dealers while I watch my new husband fuck his new stepdaughters. My girls call him daddy already, and they know what mommy and their new daddy expect from them. We plan on opening an excellent school for tots, and there we will enjoy having our p-fun.


    • peter on August 19, 2022 at 5:55 pm
    • Reply

    You are the whore of my drug fueled dreams.

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