Hooker Phone Sex Stories I Have No Shortage of to Share

hooker phone sexHooker phone sex stories are something I have plenty to share with callers. I have been whoring out my body since I was just a wee little girl. My parents pimped me out first. Then my husband pimped me out. Now, I pimp out our sons and daughters. I still get hired too, but our home brothel includes our 6 offspring, and our three adopted girls too. We have something for everyone. My husband takes care of the business aspects of running a home brothel. He finds the clients. He arranges the payment and does the background checks. We can never risk some sex trafficker posing as a John to steal our talent. My husband has a head for business, and I have one for sin. I take care of the talent. I get the girls dressed the way a client wants. I instruct the girls on what the client wants. And I make sure the talent arrives on time to the designated place. My husband and I are a team. It takes a team like ours to operate a successful hookers for hire business. We have been busy in the new year too. Last night, my youngest son was hired by a dirty daddy. We do not judge. A gay man’s money spends just the same way as a straight man’s money. You want young dick? Not a problem for us. From behind, and under a certain age, they all look and feel the same anyway. I went with my son to his daddy play date. Turns out this client had like a Michael Jackson mansion, complete with all the super cool toys and games young boys love. I watched as they got to know each other. My youngest son is a natural bisexual. I think he likes cock better than pussy anyway. My boy became this Daddy’s anal cum dumpster. After about an hour of playing video games, that rent a daddy got what he wanted, which was my son’s tight boy ass. My son’s ass is still sore, but the money he got for being his fuck doll for the night made it all better.

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