Golden Shower Sex Stories

golden shower sex storiesDo you like golden shower sex stories? I am a dirty whore, so no surprise I like bathroom play every now and then. I find water sports to be an effective punishment for disobedient little girls. My middle daughter had some school girls spend the night Friday. Cute little things, but spoiled brats. No manners whatsoever. The little brats were sisters. They complained that all I had was instant lemonade. They wanted fresh squeezed lemonade like their mother makes. I apologized sarcastically for not being a Stepford wife. They complained about me mocking their mother. I know their mother. She hasn’t been fucked since Clinton was president. She needs a stiff dick up her cunt and two up her ass to remove the sticks. I am sure you know the type. I decided her evil spawn needed taught a lesson. I am a dominant mommy. Little girls don’t sass or disobey me without consequences. They wanted fresh squeezed lemonade? I gave it to them. Sent my oldest boy to the market to get the supplies. Then, I had all the folks in the house, which was three sons, one husband, one mommy and 3 daughters piss in a pitcher. I squeezed two lemons into the piss filled pitcher, added a ton of sugar and served it to the little whores. They guzzled down a family’s piss like it was the best shit ever. I just laughed inside and smiled at their stupidity. They got sassy with me after guzzling down the special homemade lemonade. “You see it is not that hard to be a good mom,” one of them smirked. Well, I am a good mom. Just ask anyone of my little angels. A good mom doesn’t slave in the kitchen making fresh squeezed lemonade. She slaves in the bedroom sucking cock, eating pussy and teaching her little ones how to fuck her and each other. I’m more than a good mommy. I am a trashy MILF.

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