Freak fuck show

Drunk phone sex   Are you in for some drunk phone sex? I’m just careless my friends ,and I all got smashed and played with my Ouija board. If you are scared then you are just pussy. Nothing can stop me when I’m drunk and I have a little blow. Living for a thrill, so we were all drunk right? And decide to take the board out to my cemetery we can be extremely morbid but who cares? It was Kyle, me, Tyler, Alissa and David nothing was happening but everyone started to joke around and play. I was getting horny maybe the horny dead was trying to tell me to get it in because I could feel my body tingle and something was telling my crazy ass that I wanted a gang bang. So I told everyone that we should just go back home and have a fucking orgy. Drunk crazed sex. We called upon some spirts because my town is pretty ghostly. Lit some candles and had a pretty freaky fuck fest. Give me a call and Ill hook you up with some great ass stories and get you to cum for me.

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