Trailer Trash Whore and Sexy Madam Has Little Whores for You

trailer trash whoreThis trailer trash whore had a wild weekend. It is no secret that I am a hooker for hire and a dirty mommy. This weekend, I got to be both at the same time. I have this client who likes to party at my place. He wants to do coke off little teen titties and off the ass of this sexy milf. I love playing with guys when my girls are present enjoying the fun too. He paid us a lot of money to have the family experience. He was here for two days of debauchery. Profitable debauchery too. My little whores love Daddy Dave because he has a big cock, and he spoils them with presents and bags of cash. He is a widow. Never had little ones himself, but has been a pervert forever, according to my husband. They used to go to the same warehouse to fuck trafficked little girls. Both prefer girls who are clean and enjoying them. Your typical trafficked girl is unwilling and so strung out on heroin that she has no clue what you are doing to her. When my husband married me and I started birthing him our future sexy prostitutes, we thought of having a home brothel with clean, willing little Lolita whores. The local sex traffickers hate us. We are their competition. My husband pays some of them off and we do not recruit in their territory. That is how we stay safe.  Daddy Dave was high and enjoying tight pussies and assholes all weekend long. He fucked all my daughters, even my youngest son. My baby boy is naturally bisexual. In fact, he might be just gay. He loves a big cock in his asshole. He has long hair too, so from behind you cannot tell if you are fucking a girl anal sex whore or a boy one. Daddy Dave pumped loads of cum in my whores this weekend. So, when is it your turn to use my little slutkins?  

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