Trailer Trash Whore Anal Addict Cum Guzzler

You love a filthy whore to fuck in the ass. That is what you get with this trailer trash whore. My life experiences made me the filthy slave to BBC and crack that I am today.  You are fixated on knowing how much that big nigger dick feels inside me. To know how much that big black cock makes my whore cunt gush.

Well my little cum faggot, wouldn’t you like to be me? A stripper whore desired by the BBC and fucked every night by more big nigger dicks than the first night. You wish you could be me and have a pathetic ad-dick-tion. You are not really ballsy enough to let a black man fuck you. Hell you would piss yourself to be stuck in a jail cell with a couple of big black men. All you think about is being fucked by them. You get a god damned erection even. You are pathetic to think you could be me.

I am the true definition of a crack whore. I am addicted to smoking crack rock and playing with my pussy. My favorite cock is big cock and the best big dick is nigger dick.

Trailer trash whore

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