Sexy prostitutes for stress relief

Sexy prostitutes

Your office is almost empty, end of the day, people are going home. Being a work-a-holic you are staying. This is the 5th time this week you have called me for a fuck. I don’t mind of course, I do this to make money, and you are a really good fuck. We have a general arrival time set up and I am a bit surprised you aren’t in your office when I get there. Bathroom or getting coffee maybe, but I decide to be the focus of attention when you walk back into your office.
Sitting on your desk, panties around my ankles, gently playing with my pussy lips, finally you walk in, distracted, looking at your mail. You stop suddenly look up and smile, seeing me there with pussy wet, tits out and a big smile. I don’t even think there was a moment of hesitation and you are unzipping your pants, grabbing me and sliding your big hard cock into my wet slit. The feeling was totally electric; my body was tingling from head to toe. You fucked me so hard, like you were getting all your stress out. I could feel it with every plunge into my pussy. When you came, you shot so hard your jizz actually splashed against my stomach and tits like a bucket of water being thrown…fucking hot!

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