My pussy gets high

cum dumpster

Who knew coke was great smeared on my cunt. Feeling that narcotic in my pussy rubbed against my clit always has me doing the most devious things. Ever since I became a coke whore I have gone above and beyond to ensure my stash is constantly replenished. I’m not going to go without yummy angel dust. No way, Jose. I have had a taste of the good life and have had so much euphoric excitement that t refuse to return to the gray world. It’s all about fucking and being fucked and getting so fucking high that I forget what day it is and who I am.

My dealers have all had my daughter and my little sisters. Their sweet tot asses make any man want to bust if they have p-daddy ways. Want some hot stories about the fun I’ve gotten into? Well, grab your phone and dial me up, daddy.


    • Hank on June 17, 2022 at 11:20 pm
    • Reply

    Your pussy gets me high,

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