Hookers For Hire

Hookers For HireI was in need of cash yet again, man this habit is getting to expensive. So I had put my ad back out and waited it out a little and not soon after I got an answer. I let him know I would be there in about 20 minutes. When I pulled up to the house it looked kind of like something out of a horror movie, I wasn’t going to question it this guy was paying more than my asking by a lot. It felt creepy, the house looked run down and it had boards on some of the windows. I went to go knock but the door was open ajar. I walked in and said “Hello, is anyone there”? This really creepy looking guy greeted me and told me he had the money down in his cellar and he would be right back up. I sat down on this chair and I started rubbing my pussy to get in the mood with this creepy dude. He came down and was naked and came up to me, slapped my face and told me to bend over. I was freaking out inside but I need this, so I did and he shoved it in my ass really hard. As he was fucking me I could tell he had no condom, and my ad said a raincoat. I got up and tried to get away. He wrestled me to the floor and held me down including my head and just kept fucking me until he jizzed in my ass and then he punched me. I was scared, I took the money and ran out of there. I need to find a safer route of this whole hooking thing.

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