Creampie phone sex

creampie phone sex

I have been walking around all day in a little skirt with no panties, just feeling my sloppy wet pussy glide against my thighs. I am literally drooling down my legs feeling the need to be penetrated and fucked hard and deep. My guy friend told me to come over tonight because they are having a kick back and had some treats that he was wanting to share. I show up looking like a done up little slut. I have a tight tank top on and a tiny skirt with heels. I want to provoke those cocks and make them swell up! I get there and there are about five guys. They tell me more of their friends will be showing up.

We drink and do some blow and we are having a blast. I of course mention how horny I have been all day and they offer to rid my sloppy pussy of all the aching I have been going through. I get naked for them and wait for all of their clothes to come off. When I see those fat cocks hanging in front of me, I drop to my knees and take turns sucking them, making them slippery and wet. They are throbbing hard the more I tug on those shafts to the back of my throat. I bend over and let the most slobbered on one go right into my pussy. He slides in me and starts beating my pussy, giving me a hard deep fuck.

I can not help cumming over and over again on his cock. Another guy goes ahead and rams his cock into my tight pink ass hole. I can feel it twitching inside of me. They take turns creaming my holes. I am going to get so much cum.

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