Freaky Phone Sex: A World of Naked Girls

freaky phone sexI love freaky phone sex. I masturbate many times a day. I have a high libido. I have taught all my girls to masturbate too. I love playing with their pussies and showing them how to give themselves pleasure. Thanks to a caller, I have discovered some new lit erotica that has served as masturbation material for me and my girls. In these stories that I learned about, young girls are naked. They are naked in school and at home; naked everywhere. In our home we are usually naked too. The female body of any age is a work of art. It should be on display for men, other women too. A naked male body is not as beautiful. No offense men. I love a big cock, but even I would rather gaze at a woman’s naked body.  I like the idea of a Utopian society where all women are naked, especially young girls like my teen daughters. It is self-esteem boosting for young girls to show off their bodies. Insecurity in young girls destroys them. Knowing that men are getting erections looking at them; knowing other girls are admiring their curves and their naked bodies too builds confidence. A confident girl is a better fuck. In this Utopian society, girls would be raised to be sexy prostitutes, adult film stars, strippers and live in sexual companions. Near their public schools would be strip joints and brothels. Girls would be trained in the art of self love as well as pleasing men and other women. My daughters and I got super horny thinking of a near future were clothes were no longer required to be worn. Naked in Suburbia. Naked in the City. Naked in Public. Naked in School. Naked Everywhere…are good titles for young adult books and movies starring girls my daughters’ ages. Don’t you agree? Would you like to live in a world where you could see tender age girls naked all the time?

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