Druggy Phone Sex Lets Us Relax and Share Our Dirty Experiences

druggy phone sexI enjoy my druggy phone sex callers. For one, they never buy short calls. They want to take their time. But also, because I get to party too. Although I smoke weed daily because it’s legal here in California, I do not get to do coke as much these days. But I like to party with clients and callers. And last night, I stayed in and partied with a caller. I think our phone call lasted over 6 hours. So, I needed the coke to perk me up.

We shared incest stories. He grew up like me, but in a much better area than I did. His rich socialite mother pimped him out to her female friends. Taught him how to be a little stud for mature sexy women. And she pimped him out to men too. Her money came from her ex-husband, but she lived above her means after their divorce. So, whoring out her son to rich old men and women kept her in a life she loved.

I Enjoy Partying with Men and Swapping Dirty Stories

My hookers for hire do the same thing for daddy and me. I enjoyed hearing about what his mom did to him and with him. My parents never fucked me. They just let random strangers fuck me. His mom loved him. My parents saw me as a cash cow. Just a way to make money to buy meth. But everything happens for a reason, right? If my parents had not pimped me out, I never would have met my husband. And I love my charmed life.

My caller and I did lines of coke and swapped stories about being young whores for our parents. And he told me he goes both ways now. I would love to see a man fuck a boy. I have a few clients who like boy pussy. Some dirty old men hire my youngest son for daddy son dates. But my husband only fucks his daughters. Although I enjoy fucking my boys and daughters, I think it would be hot to watch my husband fuck any of our sons.

My caller last night has been snowed in for a week. He had cabin fever and called my phone sex line to party and swap stories. And I am glad he did. I love knowing I am not the only one with a very nontraditional upbringing! What kinky experiences do you have to share with me?

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