Blonde Fucking Whore

blonde fuckingWhen you are a blonde fucking whore, every man loves you and every woman hates you. Truth.  I have a hard time staying away from nice cock, even when it is married to a friend. I love to fuck. And men love to fuck me. I was at my friend’s anniversary party. They have been married 25 years. I did not last 2 years as a wife. In my defense, I did not hit on my friend’s husband at their anniversary party. I just did not stop him when he hit on me. We were both drunk. He corned me in the bathroom, pulled out a cock I was not expecting, and I did what I do. I showed off my whore skills. I let him finger bang me. I sat on the edge of the sink with my legs spread and he shoved damn near every finger up my cunt. Felt pretty amazing too. I was squirting. He told me he always wanted to fuck me, but he thought I only did black guys. I laughed because my friend told us a bunch of lies to keep us apart. I mean a woman should not have to go through such lengths to keep her friend and her husband from fucking. But I am not most friends. I am a trailer trash whore who cannot say no to a big cock. My friend told me her husband for 25 years had a small cock and was a lousy lay. That is because she knows I am a size queen. I figured he was a good provider if she stayed with him this long. I know it was wrong to fuck him, especially on their 25th wedding anniversary but damn, his cock was huge, and he made me cum so hard. I rarely fuck men my age, but he was not like men my age. He has no dick issues and he is not out chasing pussy half his age either. When it came time to sing Happy Anniversary and help blow out a cake, I had my friend’s husband’s cum running down my leg. I may have a lost a friend, but I gained a big dicked lover.

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