BBC Phone Sex: Doctor’s Orders

bbc phone sexBBC phone sex was just what the doctor ordered. This damn cold made me catch a cold. I’m never sick. All the booze and blow kill most organisms living in my body. Florida is not use to extreme cold. It is so cold iguanas are falling from trees. I shit you not. I went to this urgent care place yesterday. They sent me home with some antibiotics and instructions to consume plenty of fluids. Cum is fluids, right? My trucker fuck buddy and dealer has the most fluid in his balls of any man I know. Plus, he has the best blow. I won’t let a cold keep me down. I can rest in bed on my back and still fuck. I texted Big D that I had a 911 emergency. He knows that means I need big black dick and coke. He showed up at my trailer an hour later with everything I needed to feel better: cum filled chocolate balls and a big bag of the good kind of snow. I love his salty cum filled balls. If I drained his black nuts a few times, I would have enough fluid to heal all the sick in Florida. First, I got on my knees to be the cum guzzling slut the doctor told me I should be to get better. Load number one of my get well quicker fluids went down my throat. It was just what the doctor ordered too. Yummy hot fluids cure anything. Load number two went up my hot box. You feed a fever, right? I fed myself so much cum my fever was gone. After a few loads of thick nigger seed, I was feeling better. We did some lines of coke together and I got load number three up my ass. Today, I feel like a million bucks. I don’t think I need these antibiotics as long as I keep getting a cum filled cunt.

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