Anal cum dumpster

anal cum dumpster

 I am wanting to have a snowy white Christmas! It does not snow where I am at, at all. So, I will have to make due with what I have! I have a bunch of guys with a bunch of cum inside of them. I am going to make it snow with cream cum flurries! I put my ass in the air and beg for those cocks to get to pumping.

The first cock slides in me and starts ramming in and out. I tighten my butt hole around his dick and beg for him to make me into a dumpster full of hot jizz. I want so much cum inside of me that I look like a snow man. He pours his cum load inside of me and the next cock lines up to spit out the blizzard he has in his cock!

Merry mother fucking Christmas to me!

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