Adventures at the Trap House

phone sex line

Fucking guys in the trap house for coke is nothing new to me. Sometimes the bars are dead during the week, and there’s no easy fuck for money. Prostitution doesn’t really work when your town is crawling with prostitutes, and I am to sick to fight. I just need my drugs! So, I show up at the trap house empty handed. My coke guy can tell I don’t have the money because for once I don’t smell like sex. He asks me how I plan on paying today, and I asked how he would like me to pay. He laughs and tell me cash, but he doubts I have that. I confess he is right and ask if we could work something out. He takes me into a dark dingy room full of mirrors and stripper poles. I told him I never tried to use one of those before, but he says it’s my only option. If I want my fix I have to put on a show for him and his gang. I hop on to the stage, and he plays music. I start dancing as sexy as I can muster while having the shakes. He notices and hands me a mirror with little white lines on it. He tells me he will pay me up front, but only because there’s no way I can escape. I snort my shit quickly, and with new found energy, I begin swinging my hips. I started with my skirt, pushing it off my boney hips. Then I pull my sweater over my head. I don’t have a bra on which is a real time saver. I hop off the stage and into his lap. I give him a lap dance, and I can feel his hard cock against my ass. So, I pull his pants off and push my panties to the side. I hop onto his lap again, ass first. I finish the lap dance with his cum filling my ass. He gives me more coke, and I spend the day hanging out at the trap house.

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