A Blonde Fucking Whore on Taco Tuesday

blonde fuckingI am a blonde fucking whore. Natural blonde too. Blondes have more fun. I am just a dirty old bimbo. I was born in a trailer park and I will go out in one too. I have a Tuesday night ritual. Tacos and cock. There is this little greasy Mexican place around the corner with the best tacos and the cheapest Tequila. I go every Tuesday, fatten myself up and get drunk. Last night, I ate the worm. There was more alcohol content in that little worm than the 5 shots I did. It hit me quickly too. I was not even finished eating yet when I realized I was buzzed. The Mexican waiter was cute. Brown, black, yellow or white. I do not discriminate. I love all cock. I know a little Spanish from the trailer park. Not enough to talk in Spanish, but I can ask how big your cock is and say want to fuck in a few different languages. Never hurts to be prepared, right? He just kept nodding his head and saying Si. Horny bastard left his job mid shift to follow me back to my trailer for some drunk sex porn. He may have lost a job over some old pussy. In case he lost his job, I wanted to make sure I banged the fuck out of him. I hoped on his hard cock and took him for a ride. My pussy was sloppy wet. I slid up and down his thick shaft. He was talking a mile a minute, but I had no clue what he was saying. Did not really matter because his cock was filling my pussy up with his brown seed. I was loving every inch of his cock. There is never a language barrier when a cock is in a pussy. Being a trashy milf keeps me busy and racially inclusive. My pussy never discriminates.

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