If you’re craving hot latina phone sex look no further I am the filthiest slut ever. I may look delicious and sweet and yes I am super fucking delicious but I’m also quite devious. My mind is meant to be on cock only and getting rammed. One day at the pool hall there were these two brothers playing and I could certainly tell that both were blessed with big cocks. It clearly ran in the family.
My only other reason to not want to try to get these two guys to DP me was that my ex was close by. To be totally truthful I could care less. My mind was on a great fuck. If that includes me bending over for everyone to see then you know I will be doing so.
The two brothers knew I was game for some hardcore pounding. Once things started to wind down they kicked it up a notch. We ended up doing lines and partying till 5 am. When they pounded me I even blacked out.