Hot Stripper Sex At the Craps Table

hot stripper sex

Hot stripper sex happened as it was Craps night at the club, horny drunk high men with no sense of empathy filled the smoke-filled rooms. My pussy was on alert for big ballers and big cock who loved to party. We had set up a casino night and the craps table was where all the men were at. Someone handed me some dice after I gave him a lap dance and said throw these dice and make daddy some money baby. I did and it was snake eyes. He said well that means you are my free whore tonight you stupid slut. I started to fight but his hand on the back of my throat squeezed harder and he whispered that I had just lost him five grand and I would do whatever the fuck he wanted me to do tonight. As he shoved me towards the back room nobody gave a damn about a slut being manhandled. He laid out a couple of lines and sent out a text. His cock was curved and average but he was mean as hell holding me on it until I almost passed out on his cock. The door opened and four more mean-looking biker types walked in and I knew my ass was going to pay for an innocent dice roll. Let the games begin for this gangbang whore.

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