2 Young Pussies

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After all, two young pussies are better than one. Everyone knows I love going to college parties, and showing frat boys my titties for coke. Well, this college party was extra special because I met Megan. At first she seemed so sweet and innocent in her little cheer uniform, so I was pretty shocked when I seen her snorting lines. When we made eye contact I knew I had to get her alone, so I suggested a game of truth or dare. Of course the frat boys just couldn’t help themselves, and they dared us to make out just like I hoped they would. It started as a peck on the lips, but gradually got more and more heated. The boys wanted a show, and that’s exactly what they got. I bet they never thought we would be stripped to our bra and panties finger fucking each other in the middle of the circle with everyone watching us. No one made any move to stop us, so I had to pull away to invite them to join us. It turned into a gang bang very quickly. While Megan was getting all of her holes plowed, I went around the party and stole as many drugs as I could find. When all of the boys had came where ever they wanted, me and Megan dipped out to a nearby motel. We got fucked up, and did what none of the boys managed to do, made each other orgasm.

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