White Trash Phone Sex Sluts Know How to Make Money

white trash phone sexWhite trash phone sex sluts like me are busy on days like the Super Bowl. I am not even talking about phone calls. I mean dirty trailer trash sluts who pimp out their little ones for money stay slammed. My husband and I were running our home whores all over town yesterday. It is the most trafficked day of the year. That means it is the single most profitable day in a year too. If a dirty little whore were an independent whore, she could make bank and only need to spread her legs one or two days a year. My husband and I are teaching our sexy prostitutes that when you whore is just as important as how you whore. Girls who want to make the most money quickly learn that if they do the things wives do not do, they can make more money. They also quickly learn that age play goes far in lining their pocketbooks too. Shave a few years off and guys are pouring money in their laps. Now, my little whores know just how profitable Super Bowl Sunday is for good little sluts who take it in the ass and on the chin. Each slut who whored herself out yesterday discovered she made more money than the past few months combined. I saw the hunger for money in their eyes. That is the look that tells mommy and daddy they will do anything, absolutely anything to get more. Greedy little whores are a wonderful thing. I tell men all the time on my phone sex line that the way to get little whores bouncing on their cocks is to find mommies with that greed for money in their eyes then play Let’s Make a Deal. Anything can be bought in this world if the price is right. Cum on down, men.     

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