Unrestricted Sexline

sexlineWe can talk about anything on my sexline. I mean it when I say I am no taboos and no limits. Let me tell you what I did yesterday. I came home from an all night sex festival. I had been hired for a private party and it went into the wee hours of the morning. I was still horny, however. I saw the house keepers’ little angels playing in the yard. One of the benefits of having illegal help is you get access to their little ones whenever you want. We have several members of her family employed with us. They are all grateful for how well we treat them. I am not being facetious. They live in a 4-bedroom carriage house. Everyone is paid well above minimum wage. They have health benefits and get to take vacations with us and spend holidays with us too. Every now and again, I help myself to the help’s little ones. The maid has a big brood. They have been with us for years. We paid for the two oldest to go to college, and now the two youngest are just starting private school. Twins. An adorable boy and girl who love to play with this gringa. We played in the pool naked, before I took them upstairs to my bed to fuck. I sucked the boy’s hairless cock. I ate his sister’s hairless cunnie. I let the little stud muffin hump inside me. No swimmers yet, but he does the best he can with what he’s got. I still felt amazing. It was just the little taboo tryst I needed to be able to fall asleep. They curled up with me in my bed and we napped a few hours before I had to sign on to my phone sex line. If you treat people really well, you can do anything you want with their angels.

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