Truck Fun

lot lizard sexI am not normally a lot lizard, I like to keep to my trailer park and the few clients outside of it, but hey I needed some extra money this week. So here I am standing in a parking lot waiting for a truck driver to hopefully pick me out of all these other whores. Finally one guy comes walking up and I am so glad, he says he has never seen me before and he comes through here a lot because he is a truck driver. Well I tell him I am not usually a lot lizard but decided to be today. He takes me back to his truck and hands me a huge wad of money and asks me if I will stay with him for a few days, he has missed sex but also just spending time around people. I gladly agree for all that cash, and then he gives me my first task, to give him the best road head he has ever had. I made him cum in two minutes and he came so hard he had to stop driving because he almost hit a couple of cars. Task one, perfected.

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