Trashy MILF and Soon to Be Granny

trashy milf

Do you know what a trashy MILF does on a Friday night? She pimps her daughter out for money. It is sort of a tradition in this family. When I was a young girl, my mommy whored me out for money. She was a trailer park hooker. When she found out she could make more money off me than her, that was a game changer. My daughter is 25 now, but when she was younger, I would take her to this local no tell motel and let men cum on her for $50. If they wanted to fuck her, they could make me an offer. She was a good whore. She still is a good whore. She knows the fastest way to make money. Now, she is a pregnant whore. Yep. I am going to be a grandma and our wheels are already turning. A little one costs money. Pregnancy costs money. My daughter needs medical care. She needs a double wide trailer to live. She needs things for my future grandson or granddaughter. So, last night we brought back a tradition. Friday nights at that the local no tell motel. My son is a master of the dark web. He knows how to place ads that will not get flagged and land any of us in hot water. There are so many men who want to give a pregnant whore their cum. There are many men who want to be on the waiting list to give a tiny girl their seed. We do not know what she is having yet, but we are telling guys it will be a girl because that is where the money is.  Never too young to feed a girl cum. Last night we started feeding the fourth generation of cum whores in the womb. I was being fed cum before I could crawl. I am now a cum dumpster. My daughter was fed cum before she could walk too, and she is a cum whore like her mama. My daughter made bank last night getting fucked and creamed on by horny men who cannot wait until our newest addition arrives. We may be trailer trash whores, but we will never be poor whores because men pay for taboo sex.

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