Trailer Trashy Milf

trashy milf

Sometimes I can’t hold back my trashiness. I will be at the grocery store and if I see a sweet young man looking at my big milf tits I get hot. The other day I got so hot for the young black produce worker. He was really checking out this ass and my rack. I grabbed a big fat zucchini and started to stroke it between my tits. A little show just for him. He was like shiiit bitch cum on you gonna get me in trouble. Dammmn. He wanted this alright. I scribbled my number and address for him and slipped it in his pants before turning around and walking away. Three feet away I bent over and made sure he got a good view of this fine ass. I picked up my basket of goods and went on with my shopping. I know someone had to rush to the bathroom and splash some cold water on the big black cock. I sat waiting for this big dicked black boy getting high. It was not five minutes after 9pm that there was a rapping at my trailer door. I gobbled that BBC down before he barely got in my trailer. The rest is worthy of a call to inquire about baby.

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