Sucking Off The Indi 500

Cum Guzzling Slut

I got hired on special for a lot lizard event that can’t be topped, no matter how hard you try. Today marks the celebration of one hundred and ten years since that sexy man Ray Harrounat first won the Indi 500. I love NASCAR and all things racing, which is how I ended up at the lot in the first place. I used to love to watch what motors mosied on in.
No shit, Harrounat back in 1911, and he didn’t even break seventy five miles per hour. I often suck cock going faster than that on the highway! Anyway, I got hired to work the lot of the celebration race, and there was money to be made everywhere. Bitches bent over bars, and the horny truckers that drove them in pounding away ever incessantly at their juicy wet slut pussies.

I got to work right away, picking out a trucker from Alaska. he was tall as fuck; Big John. I wanted him to fuck me, and lucky for me he offered to pay. Now when I’m working these events I get paid per hour and per body, and the bodies pay me too. They keep me nice and high, and full of cum. Well, this was Danica Patrick’s trucker, so I ended up behind the scenes. I was getting so much cock and cum, I can’t even tell you how long I was high for.

All I know is there’s a bun in my oven, and his daddy might be a race car driver.
Cum Filled Cunt

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