Stripper Sex stories that will give your dick wings

Stripper Sex Stories

The pole, where I pop my pussy the most on is the dance pole. No, not your dick. If I were to try to pop my puss like that on it, that would hurt. I’m talking about that stripper pole.

So one of the stripper sex stories I have is where I was giving a private showing to some frat guys. Looking cute, cunt nice and shave, I danced for them while they were all stroking their dicks like cocking a pump action shot gun. They loved seeing me doing splits and such, as you could see my tits bouncing out of the bottom of my shirt.

And I’m pretty talented at holding myself into a good position, so I let these guys abuse my cunt. It was all nice at wet at that point from a few of the guys just dumping their load off on my folds. Makes great lube for both holes.

The fucking session that proceeded to happen was just so good. Having so many guys to fuck at once, I never got a break for any of my holes. And so much cum was leaking from every orifice of my body that I looked very similar to fresh glazed donuts. And I made sure to lap up every bit of that sweetness, so nothing goes to waste.

Stripper pole should be a requirement in every house. You miss out on so many missed opportunities when you don’t fly with the butterflies ever so often.

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