Sexy Prostitutes Eat Pussy Better Than Any Man

sexy prostitutesSexy prostitutes play with girls too. You might be surprised at how many rich wives hire women for themselves. Here is what I have discovered being a professional whore. One, women know that other women will eat their pussies better than any man. Now do not get offended by that. Women know what feels good to their pussies. So, they know how to give that back to another woman.

A second thing I learned is that many women are just naturally bisexual but rarely admit it. They feel attracted to women because we are soft and gentler than men. Finding a male lover on Tinder can be dangerous. And most male escorts are gay, so the risk seems higher with a male hooker. Female hookers for hire seem like the safest bet. Plus, if they get busted by their husbands, they can cover by telling them I am just an old friend in town. But if they catch me licking their wife’s cunt, husbands will want to watch or join. They will not get angry.

And a third thing I learned is that horny rich women with prenuptial agreements can find a loophole in the agreement with women. By that I mean that most prenuptial agreements say no male lovers. However, they do not say anything about female lovers. Horny mature women think that hiring a female escort will not nullify their marriage if the husband discovers the affair. And most men find it hot to watch two women fuck. They do not get jealous. No dick comparison. No stamina comparison either.

Women Love to Hire Sexy Whores To Eat Their Pussies

So, understanding women like I do, I never question why a woman would hire me and one of my daughters or just me. It happens often. And it happened this weekend. A rich trophy wife hired me and my middle daughter for a Sapphic orgy. We ate her sloppy wet pussy all weekend long while her husband visited his brother out of town. I fucked her and my daughter with a strapon too. Honestly, we could have done it for free. As a dirty mom I am naturally bisexual too.

I still smell like pussy. But that is a great thing.

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