Sexline Whore


It was a natural progression for a fuckin’ whore like me to end up working on a sexline. I mean, I’m the biggest whore my town has ever seen and that’s a pretty big deal. My town has a lot of women who are very friendly if you know what I mean. Anyway, talking to all you pervs is the best. Finally getting to talk to tons of people who are as horny and kinky as me has made me even hornier if you could even imagine that! Let’s just say that since I’ve been doing this, the guys down at the truck stop have been really impressed.

I’m up for talking about anything when you call me! I can tell you fun stories about nasty shit I’ve done, or you can tell me what you’ve been up to. I’m the biggest taboo whore there is, so if you want to talk about things that would make prim and proper cunts clutch their pearls, then you’d better come and play with me. I’ll be waiting by the phone, rubbing, and slapping my cunt with my dildo till you can tell me what to do to myself. I take orders very well.


    • Abraham on April 13, 2022 at 6:46 pm
    • Reply

    This chick told me some wild shit that happened at the truck stop. I was blown away.

    • Mike on April 14, 2022 at 5:01 pm
    • Reply

    Hot and dirty good blog!!

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